Chapter Fifty Two- A Starless Night

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        Colin came up behind Jennifer who was looking onto the water as her feet were buried deep in the sand. Placing his hand upon her back, he watched as she dug her head into him and began crying. He pulled her away at a slight distance.

        "Why are you crying?"

        "Did that really all just happen? Did we just watch someone die?"

        "That was not a person Jennifer, it was a demonic carcass that is now no more harm to anyone except the other demons he now resides with."

        He rubbed the tears away off her cheeks.

        "Is it bad to say I do not want to go home?" Jennifer confessed as the water hit her ankles.

        "No, I'm gonna miss it too. Hopefully, we can do this again-" She casted him a sharp look. "Well not THIS, but all meet up again, excluding Belle..."

        "No. Belle too. She saved us plenty of times. Enough times to win my trust." She said with a smile.

        "If you trust her, so do I." He said giving her a sweet kiss.

        Colin found himself impatient in his thoughts. Jennifer noticed this. In all the time they had known each other, they had always talked or kissed. But in this moment, neither was proper. He stood before her with a gleam in his eye. One that showed her promise, one that showed her compassion and honesty. He took her hands in his own before kissing her sweetly.

        "Jennifer Morrison..." He began. "You have been a pain in the ass since I met you. You have made me dodge bullets-on more than one occasion. Caused me to ruin many good shirts." He said this slightly blushing. "Slapped me enough times so I am now numb to the feeling, but I would go through it a million times over if it means I get to spend every second of my life with you. Whether it is on the screen side by side fighting mystical or mythical creatures, or is is fighting the everyday wars like who does dishes and who sleeps on what side or who gets more closet space-I want to go through that with you. I do not care what I have to sacrifice or what I have to endure. I think in a strange way, this is fate telling us we are destined. Even if you don't believe in that mumbo jumbo, I do. At least when it comes to you. So Jennifer Morrison, the woman I love with all my heart, all I am, and all I will ever amount to...Will you please marry me?"

        Without hesitation, Jennifer jumped onto him and caused him to fall back against the sand. She kissed him passionately as he reached in his pocket. Opening a small box, he gave her a beautiful diamond ring that had smaller diamonds around it. Sliding it onto her finger, he watched as her eyes filled with tears.

        "Of course!" She said kissing him intensely. "There is nothing I want more!" She said pulling him back to kiss her.


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