Chapter Four- Brawl

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        It was eleven o'clock in the morning as Jennifer and Colin left the bed and breakfast and walked through town, hoping to find something to do for the day to get their mind from the latest events. As they walked, Colin noticed how Jennifer was hardly speaking. He also noticed how she wore her hair. It was lazily placed, which was abnormal for her. She also wore no makeup. He personally did not mind for he knew her beauty lied also within, but he knew something was bothering her.

        "Jennifer, something is wrong...I can tell..."

        "No." She said, her voice sweet, in a high tone. Almost as if she was unsure of her own answer.

        He pulled her from the common cobblestone street and between two buildings. Placing his hand softly on her cheek, he caressed her soft skin. There was something in her eyes that he saw was not right.

        "Love, please do not tell me nothing is wrong...Just talk to me..." He begged. "I will get on my knees if that's what it takes..." He said moving down before her. Instead of begging for an answer, he moved her legs apart slightly and kissed up from her ankle to her thighs as she leaned her head against the wall and gripped his hair and his shoulder. "Please." He said between kisses.

        "Uhhh..." She said, releasing a small moan, biting her lip to stay quiet.

        "Release." He whispered.

        As he went to move her undergarments to the side, a loud brawl broke out in town. They emerged from the darkness to find half of the town yelling at each other. Mostly in Scottish, they could not understand but one thing was for certain; it was about the murder. They stood in front of the bed and breakfast pointing at the room. Two of the men became incredibly hot-headed and went after one another. Colin leaped forward and went to stop them by pushing them apart. As this happened, Jennifer noticed someone in the window. The woman was looking directly at her and wearing completely black clothes-almost as if ready for a funeral. Her hair was incredibly red and became more prominent as the sunlight hit it. She placed her hand upon the glass before turning and disappearing into the room.

        By the time she looked back, most of the town had dispersed. Colin was still holding the men at bay and placed them on opposite sides of a fountain. The friends of both men were talking to them in Gaelic before the eventually left also.

        "What's wrong?" He asked, seeing her gaze was fixated on him.

        "What is it with this place? It's eerie..." She asked.

        "Love, I'm sure it's nothing..."

        "Wasn't it you last night that said you didn't feel right about this place?"

        "That was before I made love to you...and I got these..." He said lifting his shirt to reveal his back that was covered in scratches. "How about we go finish what we started?" He asked kissing her sweetly.

        "Later, I promise. I'm starving...let's go get something to eat..." She said, pulling him from the fountain and further in town.

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