Chapter Fifty Six- Hearing From Home

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        As the plane came closer to the United States, Jennifer was awoken by a buzzing in her bag. Taking it from the floor, she placed it in her lap and found it to be her phone. Over one-hundred messages were from Ginnifer, Josh, Lana, and the producers asking anxiously where they had been. Even though she felt guilty for having not responded before, she felt glad they worried. The range of the messages varied from "Where are you?" to "Oh my God! If you don't pick up we are done being friends..." Most of the dramatic ones had been from Lana.

        To reassure everyone of their safety, Jennifer took to her contact list and called Lana first. It appeared she had awoken her, but she did not care.

        "Oh my goodness!" She said to Jennifer as she took a sigh of relief. "It's been weeks! Where have you been?"

        As she tried to explain the ordeal stating with "You are never going to believe this-" She was cut off by a stern look from Ellie who told her to end the call in graphic and speedy hand gestures.

        "I'll call you back in a second, going to lose my signal."

        "Okay..." She said with a sense of anger in her tone.

        Ellie walked over to her. "I am sorry to be rude..." She said, her accent now American.

        "Why are you talking like that?" Colin asked-noting it instantly.

        "I have not been completely honest with see..I am actually born and raised in Iowa. I left at an incredibly young age because I thought I could do good. But I was kidnapped by my 'parents'. You need to understand something..." She paused and took a deep breath. "The world you had just seen; Artifice, the crowns, all of it...It is a dangerous place. Many people have been hurt and more could if you tell anyone what you have gone through. Just because Artifice is dead, does not mean there are not more like him, but we can take it from here. You have helped this world more than you know and I am eternally grateful. But I beg you to keep it a secret..." She said getting down on her knees.


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