Chapter Fifty Five- Final Moments

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        Colin held Jennifer's hand as they lead themselves back to the group. By the time they returned, everyone had been aboard the plane. Before they got on, Colin was pulled back by her grasp.

        "Nothing will change right?" She asked with fear in her eyes.

        "What would change love?"

        "Us...Not having death stare you in the face, it may be boring and you may get bored with me and-" Before she could speak another word, Colin had taken her face in his hands and kissed her. Sweetly and with a tender touch.

        "Nothing will change. I can never get bored with you. You are too challenging."

        "Challenging?" She asked, playing as if it hurt her feelings by placing her hand upon her chest and gasping slightly.

        "You keep making me guess. Just when I think I know you...Bam! You surprise me once more. You are and endless enigma to me Jennifer, and I love every second of trying to figure you out. That being said, I know you quite well...I know how you take your coffee, your go-to romantic movie, and what you are terrified of."

        "Oh really? You think you know that much about me?" She said with a teasing grin.

        "I do. We should probably get going-they might think we got lost..."

        "But aren't you going to miss this place?" She asked, turning and taking in the Canadian air in one big breath.

        "Canada or the adventure in general?"

        "Both I guess..."

        "We can go anywhere we want...just not Scotland again..." He said quick as they both giggled at the latest events. "Love, can we go home now?" He asked as he extended his hand to her.

        "Hey! When you two are done smacking, can we get out of here?" Maddox asked as he stood in the doorway of the jet.

        Taking his hand, Jennifer walked with Colin up the stairs and into the jet, taking a seat beside him. Not wanting the night to end, she placed a soft kiss upon his cheek. Jennifer and Colin noticed how Maddox and Ellie were all over one another, whispering things into each other's ears and exchanging sweet but short kisses. As Belle sat looking out the window with an expression similar to a kid stuck in a long car ride with no electronic-an adolescent pout.

        And in that moment, Jennifer knew as well as Colin that everything would be alright...

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