Chapter Eight- Underground

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        Minutes eventually turned into an hour before they found an exit from the tunnels. But they soon found it to be just another dark room. They felt around for some form of light source, but found a small panel on one of the walls. Since Jennifer was the one to find it, she peeked through it and saw it had been a secret room to view those in the building on the other side of it. She also found it to be the bed and breakfast they had been staying at. She was looking directly behind the podium. As she looked, she found a bloody handkerchief behind the podium. Freezing where she stood, Colin shook her shoulder gently to ask on what she had seen.

        "Look." She said as she moved so he could view. Rubbing his eyes and peering through the holes, he saw what she had, only the woman was standing there now, blocking his view from the podium and the handkerchief. Jennifer explained to him and he looked again to find it gone. He quickly saw the woman to have something in her pocket as she moved from the podium.

        "Do you think she had something to do with it?" He asked, turning to Jennifer. Before she could answer, they heard talking on the opposite side of the wall. Since it was muffled, they moved closer to the wall to get a better understanding of the conversation.

        "No." The voice became clear. "Dinna think I can handle this work me self! Ye here to help..." She said as she slammed a door.

        Confused on who she was talking to, they conspired between one another until another voice spoke.

        "All this mess...leaving me to clean it.." A loud crash was heard in the room. "Ugh! Jesus!"

        "What is going on here?"

        Before any other words were spoken, Colin heard a muffled sound in the room.

        "Quiet ye!" The girl snapped.

        It became clear the muffled was a hushed screaming. They looked at one another before turning back around to the long tunnels. As they walked, they noticed it trailed off in separate directions. They each took time going through them and found they broke off once more then again, until they became too confused to continue.

        "We need to map these out...that way we know where they lead..."

        "What are these exactly?" She asked, pushing against the walls.

        "I think they are escape tunnels....or viewing."


        "A collection of tunnels that lead to secret portions of other places for secret viewing purposes."

        "Wow, aren't you quite a genius." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

        As they walked further and further, they chose a path and continued on until they came out through a side door to a run-down business off the main streets. They soon found they were near the fountain in the middle of the town.

        "What do we do now?"

        "Find out what the bloody hell is going on...but first, let's get a night's sleep. Then go. That way we can get up early enough to search without it being suspicious."

        And with that, they ventured back to their room and readied themselves for the following day.

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