Chapter 3

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After taking a quick pitstop at your house to drop off your car, the three of you headed over to the crime scene. You still felt a little sick from all of the drinks. Hank parked the car and began to get out.

"You two wait here, I won't be long," Hank said.

"Whatever you say, Lieutenant," Connor replied. 

"Fucking-A whatever I say," Hank muttered as he got out. You rolled your eyes.

"Come on, Connor." You said.

"But Lieutenant Anderson told us to wait," Connor said.

"There's no way I'm just gonna sit here." You said. "So are you coming or what?" He thought about it.

"After you." He replied. You got out and Connor followed you. You walked past the police line with Connor behind you. He got stopped by the android cop, but you called back to them.

"It's with me!" It let Connor through and you both proceeded to the inside of the house. 

"What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you understand?" Hank asked.

"I'm your partner. You're stuck with me, remember?" You said.

"Lieutenant (L/n)'s orders didn't conflict with my instructions," Connor said. Hank sighed.

"Alright you two, let's get to work," Hank said. You both followed after him. You listened quietly as you found out everything they already knew about the case. You began to look around. You saw Connor bend down and look at a knife. He swiped his fingers on the blood and licked it.

"Ah, Jesus, what the hell are you doing!?" Hank exclaimed as you looked at Connor, grossed out.

"I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry. I should've warned you." Connor replied. Hank looked kinda grossed out.

"Okay, just...don't put any more evidence in your mouth, you got it?" He said.

"Got it," Connor replied.

"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit," Hank said.

"You aren't alone." You muttered. You kept looking around. Suddenly, you felt dizzy. You propped yourself against the wall as your head spun. 

"Are you alright, Ms. (L/n)?" You opened your eyes and saw Connor standing in front of you.

"I'm fine." You muttered.

"You are very intoxicated. Perhaps you should've rested in the car."

"Shut up. I can take care of myself." You growled, angry that an android was trying to get you to sit out because you had drunk too much.

"Ms. (L/n)," Connor began. "I am sorry if I upset you, but you should at least take a moment to breathe. Getting upset won't help." You sighed. 

"Fine." You mumbled and sat down for a moment. Connor seemed satisfied and went back to helping Hank with the evidence. After a moment, you got back up and kept looking around. You looked at the words written on the wall. 


You scoffed. Defective thing. Cyberlife should really get their techno shit together. You thought with an eye-roll. You went over to Hank, not having much more to look at. 

Soon, Connor came over. You both looked at him as he approached. You wondered if he had found something.

"Lieutenant Anderson, Lieutenant (L/n), I think I figured out what happened." He said.

"Oh yeah? Shoot, I'm all ears." Hank replied.

"It all started in the kitchen." You three went to the kitchen.

"There are obvious signs of a struggle." You said.

"Question is, what exactly happened here?" Hank said.

"I think the victim attacked the android with the bat," Connor said.

"That lines up with the evidence. Go on." Hank told him.

"The android stabbed the victim."

"So the android was trying to defend itself." You said, thinking through it.

"Okay, so then what happened?" Hank asked.

"The victim fled to the living room," Connor explained.

"And he tried to get away from the android." Hank finished. "Alright, that makes sense."

"The android murdered the victim with the knife," Connor told you.

"Okay, so your theory isn't crazy." You said.

"But it doesn't tell us where the android went," Hank said.

"It was damaged by the bat and lost some Thirium," Connor said.

"Lost some what?" Hank asked.

"Thirium. You call it 'blue blood'. It's the fluid that powers the android's biocomponents." Connor said. "It evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye."

"Oh...but I bet you can still see it, can't you?" Hank said.

"Correct," Connor confirmed. You had to admit, you were a little impressed with Connor's work.

"Alright. Let's see if we can find anything then." You said to Connor. He nodded and you followed him as he looked around. You and Connor looked together for more blue blood. You both looked out back to see if it had escaped that way. There was nothing.

"It appears the deviant never left through the backdoor," Connor said. You thought about it.

"What if it never left at all?" You said. Connor thought about it too. You both kept looking. He found a hatch that led to the attic. You both tried to find something for him to climb. You used the chair. You held it steady while Connor climbed up there. You waited. You heard some noise coming from up there.

"Connor?" You called. No reply. Hank came over.

"Connor, what the fuck is going on up there?" He yelled.

"It's here, Lieutenants!" He called. 

"What!?" You exclaimed.

"Holy shit. Chris, Ben, get your asses in here! Now!"


Hank was trying to get more information out of the deviant android. You stood next to Connor with Gavin in the room leaning against the wall. You listened.

"Why'd you kill him?" Hank asked. "What happened before you took that knife?" The android wasn't saying anything. Hank looked toward you all. He looked a bit frustrated. "How long were you in that attic?" He asked. Still nothing. "Why didn't you even try to run away?" The deviant refused to speak. Hank snapped his fingers, trying to see if it was even listening to him. He lashed out, slamming his hands on the table. "Say something, god damn it!" He shouted. It didn't even flinch. Hank gave up. "Fuck it, I'm outta here." He came back into the other room with you all.

You saw that he was pretty frustrated now. "We're wasting our time interrogating a machine! We're getting nothing out of it!" He said, sitting down.

"We could always try roughing it up a little," Gavin said. "After all, it's not human." You rolled your eyes. Really, dude? Connor said something before you could.

"Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it, and that wouldn't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations."

"Okay, smartass," Gavin said, getting slightly ticked with Connor. "What should we do then?" Connor thought about it.

"I could try questioning it." He said. Gavin laughed. You shrugged.

"I got no objections. Not many other ideas in here." You said plainly. Hank shrugged, seemingly in agreement.

"What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspects all yours." He said. Connor went in.

"Pfft. Dumb piece a plastic. What's the difference?" Gavin huffed.

"You wanna try?" You asked. He huffed again but said nothing. You turned to watch. Connor looked at the files and then sat down. You had to admit, you were curious where this was gonna go.

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