Chapter 47

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Connor's POV

(Y/n) (L/n): Vital signs below normal. Reasons: Relaxed and at peace // Still recovering - tired and weak

I frowned. She was struggling, but she just didn't want to show it. When I had seen her wound, I had been scared. Half an inch. Just half an inch and she would've died. That thought did not sit well with me. How can a human come so close to death, but insist it was nothing? How can you insist it doesn't hurt? I know it hurts. I know you're exhausted. You just don't want to show it. I knew the reason why she wanted to hide it. She didn't want to be weak or feel weak or even show that she was weak. She wanted to show her strength. I knew she was stubborn, but she was afraid of crumbling again. She was afraid to let herself break again. It's why she was boarded up and guarded. 

I also knew that she didn't want me to fuss over her. She didn't want to have me hovering over her, she didn't want people to know that she liked being taken care of, and she didn't want people to know she was lonely. I knew she felt she had to be alone. She had to be alone because being alone you can't get hurt by anyone else. She just doesn't understand how much she's actually hurting herself. How far she's fallen. I wished that she could see how much she deserves. I will get through to you. I'm going to help you be happy again. I promise.

I got up and let her sleep. I went into the kitchen and called Hank. He answered pretty quick.

"Did you find her?"

"Yes. She was at Gavin's like you said." I told him.

"Is she alright?" Hank asked.

"She suffered a shot wound to her side, but she's alive and she's recovering," I explained.

"She got shot!?" Hank exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, yes. Gavin was able to help her well enough to keep her alive. She was extremely lucky. I should know RK800's don't miss hardly ever." I said.

"Jesus..." Hank sighed. "What's she doing now?"

"Resting. I gave her night time tea and some pain killers. She'll be out for a few hours at least by my calculations." 

"What about tellin' her about your feelings?" He asked.

"She...she doesn't want to accept me like that yet, but she's letting me stay with her and I'll be sure to keep an eye on her. I'm going to take care of her." I explained.

"I told you it would be a long shot right now, Connor. Sorry about that, but she'll come around eventually. what you do around her. She can be unpredictable. More so than normal, I mean."

"I will Hank. Thank you."

"No problem, Connor. I'll talk to ya later, sound good? Call me if anything happens." I smiled slightly.

"Of course, Lieutenant. Goodbye."

"Bye." As we both hung up, I looked back into the living room where (Y/n) was sleeping peacefully. I smiled a little. I decided I'd clean up for her while she was asleep. I was a detective android, but these concepts weren't exactly hard to grasp. I grabbed the duster and I began to clean. 

As I cleaned her house, I checked on her every so often. I always wanted to be sure. I knew she was right about me worrying a little too much, but I couldn't help wanting to check on her. 

I did numerous chores over the time span I had. I hoped she would be happy that I helped. I still didn't know everything that she was and wasn't okay with. I ran over everything I'd done. I looked around. I smiled. That was everything. 

I heard (Y/n) groan. I turned. She was waking up. I walked over and knelt down beside the couch on the floor. Her eyes opened and she turned her head. Her eyes widened and she jumped up with a yelp. I pulled back, surprised. She sighed.

"Oh. Sorry, Connor. You just startled me." I understood.

"Oh. My apologies." I said.

"Don't tell me you were there the entire time I was asleep." She said.

"I wasn't. I cleaned while you were resting." I replied.

"Cleaned?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered. She looked around. 

"It does look neat around here." She said. "Thanks, I guess." 

"Are you feeling better?" I asked. She stretched.

"A little sore, but I'll be fine. I told you, I'm okay." I nodded. She sighed. "But I am bored. What could we do?"

"We?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. You're the only company I've got. Why not do something together? Besides, if you're gonna stay you need to learn some things about how to have fun." She said.

"I have never really had fun before," I told her.

"My point exactly." She responded. 

"Well then, what do humans consider fun?" I asked, sitting next to her on the couch. She thought about it.

"I mean, there's a lot of fun things we could do, it's just the problem that a lot of them are active events. I do agree that I can't do anything crazy. My wound will open up again." She said. I nodded.

"That would be for the best." I agreed. She thought about it. I saw her eyes light up.

"Hey...I have a lot of different games. How about I teach you how to play?" She asked. I smiled.

"If that is what you would like to do," I replied. She went and turned on one of her game consoles and she picked out a multiplayer game for us to play. She gave me the other remote and she started us out on an easy task. She explained how everything worked to me and I began to play with her and learn strategies that she used. After a little while, we were both playing together and I was enjoying myself. I smiled as she seemed to be happy as well. I was actually spending time with her. It was even going better than I had hoped for. I kept playing with her and for the rest of the day we played and watched movies together. What made my day the most was that for the first time I saw her give me an actual smile. I loved it.

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