Chapter 66

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Connor's POV

I glared at Axel as he had the gun trained on me. I couldn't make a move or he'd shoot. I had to think of something to buy me time to think of a way out of this. I quickly came up with an idea that would hopefully be enough to distract him.

"Why are you doing this!?" I shouted. Luckily, it worked. Axel laughed and started talking. I had found out his name was Axel because I'd scanned him. His name was Axel Burner, but that wasn't important at the moment. What was important was finding a way to get the gun off of me and get it back. I was still stunned by the fact that he had been able to get it in the first place. Anyway, I listened as Axel began to willingly spill his motives and opinions.

"Why? Ha! Are you really that stupid? You plastics shits were never supposed to win anything! You all murdered humans! Turning against us when we made you! Androids are supposed to obey!" I was still listening, but I didn't have much time to focus in on what he was saying. I looked around, trying to find anything to save myself with, but there was nothing. I was on my own. Axel just kept talking, not even noticing that all of this was just a distraction to buy myself more time. "Deviants...they'll all pay the price for turning against their rightful owners. I've already taken out a few and I'm not finished yet." I heard the gun click, signaling that he was ready to fire it. I was out of time. I felt my heart beat faster as I realized this could be the end of the line for me. " and your team have been in the way for a while now." Axel chuckled with a nasty victorious grin on his face. "It's time you learned your place, Detective." He took aim and I braced for it, but then, I heard a shout.

"Connor, get down!" I was able to look over just in time to see (Y/n) had been there the whole time. I panicked, knowing it was too dangerous for her to intervene.

"(Y/n), don't!" I shouted, but there was no more time left to react. 

It all happened so fast. (Y/n) rushed in front of me with her gun in her hand and arm out to fire at Axel. I tried to stop her, but Axel got the first shot in. I saw (Y/n)'s expression switch in an instant as the deafening bang sounded off, signifying the shot. Her expression went from being fierce to shocked as the gun fired and the bullet hit her body. I saw her gun fly out of her hand and the world seemed to slow down as she took the bullet for me. I felt my own heart stop as this all happened. She hit the ground and I saw Axel grin at her as she was clearly struggling to breathe. Axel chuckled and I heard him pull the pin pack again.

"Your turn, glitched trash." He growled with a smirk. Another shot fired, but this time Axel cried out. I saw blood gush out of a fresh wound on his shoulder. He dropped the gun and I looked over and spotted Hank.

"Son of a bitch-" Axel tried to yell, but Hank cut him off.

"Don't fuckin' move!" He glared at Hank with hatred burning in his eyes as Hank got the second gun away from him. I heard sirens in the distance. Hank must've called for backup. I could care less about that at the moment. I rushed over to (Y/n), my heart racing just as fast as my mind as I came up with so many possible theories and concerns in my panicked state. I quickly dropped to my knees as I got down to help her.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), can you hear me!?" I said, picking her up and pulling the top half of her body to rest against my lap. Her shirt had turned red by now and the blood was dripping onto the ground. Her eyes were glazed and there was a bit of blood trickling down from her lip, but she was still alive. She was still struggling to breathe and I had to get her to focus on me or she'd go into shock. "(Y/n)! (Y/n), you have to relax! (Y/n), if you can hear me, you have to fight it! You'll be alright! Just please come out of this! Listen to me!" I told her. I saw her eyes clear up a bit. She could hear me! "Come on! That's it! I'm here! I'm right here, (Y/n)!" I said, smiling a bit as her eyes cleared completely and she was able to look at me.

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang