Chapter 122

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You sighed as you watched the planes land and take off outside the window. You felt a hand on your shoulder. You smiled a little as you were greeted by Connor's chocolate brown eyes and his gentle smile. Everyone was at the airport and you and Gavin weren't looking forward to the flight. That was mainly because neither of you would be on it.

The flight was leaving in 15 minutes. You didn't want Connor to leave, but you both knew he had no choice. He had to do his job and you had to do yours. You both joined the others and you gave Hank a sad smile. He sighed.

"Hey, we'll be back before you know it." He assured you. Gavin rolled his eyes.

"Take your time for all I care." He muttered. You knew he was a bit bitter about not being able to go, but hiding the fact that he actually cared that he wouldn't be able to see Collin played a part in his foul mood as well. You elbowed him gently and he huffed but said no more. Collin smiled slightly at him when nobody was looking. You and Gavin saw it, but Hank and Connor didn't. 

"Ms. (L/n), please tell me if Detective Reed gives you any trouble. I'll be sure to handle it once I return." Gavin shot a glare at him and you snorted, trying to contain your laughter.

"Don't worry. I can handle myself." You replied. You heard them call for the flight. You frowned. You gave Connor a hug. 

"I'll see you in a few weeks." He promised. You nodded. You gave him a quick kiss and then you turned to Hank. You hugged him and you pet Sumo who wagged his tail happily.

"See you later, (Y/n)."

"See you later, Hank." You turned to Collin. He nodded to you with a smile but you rolled your eyes. "Not so fast, Collin." You gave him a hug. He was a little stunned, but he hugged back after a minute.

"Goodbye, (Y/n)." 

"What is up with you boys and being proper all the time?" You asked. They chuckled along with you and Gavin looked away, not interested in saying goodbye. Well, at least acting like he wasn't. 

"We should get going," Connor said. They all began to leave. Once Connor and Hank were ahead. Collin quickly slipped in a hug and a secretive kiss on Gavin's neck. Gavin hugged back before they broke apart. You giggled at the two as Gavin tried to hide his blush. Collin did his signature grin before catching up with the others. It was almost as if it had never happened. Hank and Collin went in first. You saw Connor glace back and give you a wave before following after them. You waved back as they disappeared. You frowned, sighing heavily. Gavin put an arm around your shoulders.

"Come on, let's head back." You nodded and the two of you left together. You took Gavin's car and he drove back to his house where your car was waiting. You said goodbye to him but before you got far, he stopped you.

"Hey, uh...since it's only us around, you want to come over to my place Friday night? Just some movies and shit."

"Really?" You asked.

"Well, yeah, I guess. I mean...I'm gonna be bored without Collin around. I kinda got used to it pretty quick." You chuckled.

"Yeah, sure! It's been a while since I've done anything with a friend. It sounds nice." You told him. He nodded.

"See you then." 

"See ya then, Gav." You headed home and you walked inside. You heard the kittens mewling. You chuckled. You walked into their room and saw them all bombarding Jackson while Resinilly took a nap on one of her platforms. You laughed.

"Gotta love being a father, right Jackson?" You joked as he gave you a look that said 'help me'. With the kittens growing by the day, you knew it wouldn't be too long before they would have to change to actual cat food. You sighed. There was no way you were going to be able to afford it. The Sugar Gliders were almost fully grown and you just didn't have the time for all of them anymore. You thought about it and you came up with a solution. 

You called Cass, knowing that she would take the gliders in a heartbeat. At least that way you could keep them in the family and they'd be with somebody you trusted. She picked up not long after.


"Hey, sis. I have an offer for you."

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)! Offer?" She asked. 

"Yeah. You see, with the kittens almost grown out of the milk and the sugar gliders all grown, I don't have the time to take care of them anymore. I was wondering if you wanted to take the sugar glider family and take care of them."

"Really!?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah! You can come to pick them up tomorrow if you want." You told her.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, I'll take them!" You chuckled. 

"I thought you would. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya, but hey, before you go, how are things going? You haven't talked to us in a while."

"Yeah, sorry. Things have been busy. It's going good, but Connor, Hank, and Collin are gone."

"Gone?" She asked.

"Yeah. Apparently, Shane might've had somebody working behind the scenes for him in Minnesota."

"Minnesota? Huh, that's funny." 


"Oh, nothing. It's just that's where Dad used to live. He grew up in a small little town there." You paused.

"He did?" You asked.

"Yeah. What's the problem with that?" She asked.

"Well...the guys are going to a small town." You both paused.

" don't think..."

"What was Dad's profession again?" You asked.

"He was friend's with Kamski, (Y/n). Take a guess."

"No there's no way!" You exclaimed. 

"It's nearly impossible. The car was never even found. He would've come to find us. Plus he never would've worked with somebody who was against androids. That's not how he was." You sighed.

"I hope you're right." You said. "I really do." 

"If we're right on this, we'll figure it out. I promise."

"People have been making a lot of promises to me lately. I just hope you guys can keep them." You told her. She chuckled slightly.

"Just...calm down. It might just be a coincidence too, you know."

"That seems like a big coincidence." 

"I know, I know, but still. Anyway, you said only Connor, Hank, and Collin were going? How come?"

"Fowle needs Gavin and I to stay behind."

"Huh, that's fair." She said sarcastically. You shrugged.

"Boss' orders. So what's going on with you and Nate?"

"Well, Nate moved in with Star. They found an apartment not far from New Jericho. I'm still living here with the others. They're all doing fine. Got good jobs now and I'm working as an interior designer, so things have been going good." You nodded.

"I'm glad to hear that. Well, I think I'm going to go shopping. We're running low on food, not that I need a ton of it, but still. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"You know, you should really come visit sometime. The others would love to see you again. How about next week? You can stay a few nights at New Jericho with all of us. Oh, and bring the cats." You laughed at the last part. 

"It's a plan. Anyway, bye." You said, trying to finally end the conversation so you could get going.

"Bye~" She cooed. You chuckled and hung up. Well, two plans and people to have fun with. I guess I'm not going to be so lonely after all. Still, I wish Connor could join me. You sighed. He'll be back before you know it, (Y/n). Now come on. Get your ass moving, you've got stuff to do. With that, you got ready to head out again. It's only a few weeks.

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