Chapter 123

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Connor's POV

We arrived in the town after about two and a half hours. The flight had been almost two hours and the drive to the hotel that was in the town had been 46 minutes including traffic pauses. Hank had checked us in and we all headed up to our room. The place had a pool and was right next to a McDonald's place and a Kwik Trip was right across the main road.

Hank huffed as he set his bag down. I turned as I put my bag in the room with the twin beds. He turned toward the window, seeing the buildings outside. 

"Well, at least we can get food pretty easily." I nodded. Collin came out of the bedroom.

"According to the mapping data I downloaded, there is a Target, a Walmart, and a Petsmart about twenty minutes away in another neighboring town. In this town, there is a Thrifty White and a Brinks."

"Well, we should be good then." Hank said.

"No, not for us. There are almost no Cyberlife buildings, so it will be difficult for us to get repaired, should the need arise." I had tuned out of the conversation. I walked into the twin bedroom and I went out on the balcony. I called (Y/n), hoping she'd pick up. After two rings she answered. I smiled as I heard her voice.


"Hey, (Y/n). Just wanted to let you know we made it with no issues. We're all checked in at the hotel and Collin's already done his research about the area. We should be fine for everything we might need." 

"Oh, that's good. Is it a nice place to stay?"

"Yeah. It's a decent room. Hank took the master bed."

"Why am I not surprised?" We both chuckled as I leaned against the railing. 

"Did you guys rent a car already?"

"Yeah. We had to. There aren't exactly buses for travel around here. I saw a few school buses on the road. I guess school gets out around 2:30 here."

"Huh. The school year should almost be over. I remember I used to get out around the first week of June."

"I guess so. Anyway, I don't think we're going to get any leads today. Hank is checking out the McDonald's next door. There are a few places around here that seem like good places to go to. Any opinions?" I asked.

"You should try out one of the local places. Fast food you can find anywhere."

"I'll see if I can convince him. I better go. We've got a lot to unpack and it'll take a bit to get settled."

"Yeah. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" 

"I love you." 

"Love you too, Con. Be safe."

"I will. I promise."


"Bye." She hung up and I sighed. I turned to go talk to Hank about where we should eat. I didn't need food, but I didn't want to be rude and not have anything if we were going someplace local instead of just going to a fast food place. I walked out and saw that Collin had taken off his RK900 jacket. He looked nice in just the black turtle neck. It suited him.

"Hank, are you hungry?" I asked. It would be about 4:00 back in Detroit where it was only 3:00 here.

"Yeah, I didn't have a damn thing on the plane."

"(Y/n) suggested checking out a local place."

"You already talked to her?"

"I wanted to let her know we arrived safely," I explained.

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