Chapter 108

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The next morning, you woke up and you instantly frowned as you remembered you were alone. Last night had really shaken you up. I just have to find them. I just have to find Connor. I need to know he's safe. You paused for a moment. I've been feeling more emotions lately, still doesn't feel like I'm the same. that the reason I'm getting stuck? Because I'm not...'right' yet?

You shook your head to clear it and got up. You walked over to your full body mirror and scanned yourself over quick. You sighed. Then, your gaze grew fierce once more. No, I'm not going to give up. Come on, (Y/n). Let's get ready and get moving.

You got ready and you fixed up your frazzled hair before grabbing your things and grabbing your gun. You slipped it into it's holster and you breathed in and out before heading out. You walked out the door and saw how bright it looked out. It was beautiful. You frowned. On a day like this, you and Connor would've gone for a walk once you got home. You pushed the thought away. I can't dwell on troubling memories if I'm going to find him.

You got into your car and started it up. You adjusted your mirror slightly and then you backed out of your driveway and headed to work. You knew where you were going to work today. You didn't want to be around others at the moment, so there was only one helpful and solitary place you could do your work. 

You arrived at the station and you instantly dropped your stuff off at your desk and hurried down into the evidence room. You walked in, accessed the terminal, and got to work. You pulled up your map on the big screen and started trying to de-glitch the location marker. It was going to be a long day.

Gavin's POV

I watched as she came in and instantly headed down to the evidence room. I frowned slightly. I wished I could talk to her, but in this state, I knew I couldn't. She still wasn't the same. There was only one (Y/n) I trusted and that still wasn't her. I wanted to talk to her about Collin, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it to be private. People would find out one way or the other. I just couldn't let that happen because...I wasn't ready for that yet. The other thing was what's the point in telling them if I was already too late?

I took another sip of my drink as I sat there by myself. I didn't really want to talk to anybody else either. I understood that much. I pulled out my phone and looked at it. I absent-mindedly went to my gallery. I scrolled through it until...I came across the picture we'd taken together. I remembered how it happened.


"I do not understand. You take pictures of yourself and send them to others as communication? Why? It's texting or calling actual communication? How would a picture tell them what you want to say?" Collin asked me. I rolled my eyes. 

"We text and call normally, but sometimes we use this app called Snapchat. Look, I don't use the damn thing, but I know (Y/n) used to when she was younger. It's been a thing for a while." I explained.

"Could I do it?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him. I sighed.

"Well, you could, but I ain't fuckin' downloading it just for you."

"Then could you show me how it works if I would ever like to do it myself?" I groaned.

"Alright! Fine! Christ..." I muttered. I grabbed my phone and pulled him over to me. He stood behind me and I stood in the front. I held it above my head to get a better angle at the two of us. Collin had to bend down a bit so his face wouldn't be cut in half. I saw him smile slightly and I grinned a bit at it as well. I took the picture and showed it to him. "There, now you'd just write a caption or some shit into it." He nodded.

"Alright. I think I understand. It's like texting and sending a picture at the same time, correct?"

"Yeah. That's exactly what it is. Took you that long to finally get it?" I asked. He looked a little upset by that.

"My apologies, Detective." I frowned. I looked away for a moment. I turned around and said,

"Hey, shut up. You should be apologizing for the photo. Now I got your creepy ass face stuck in my gallery forever." He looked confused.

"Couldn't you just...delete it?" I shrugged.

"Nah. Too lazy." I replied, grinning slightly. I turned away and I used the black screen of my phone to see his reaction. He was smiling slightly. I smiled too. I put my phone in my pocket and went to get something to eat. I was starving.

*End flashback*

I stared at the photo for a long time. So long, that I was startled when Tina said hello to me. 

"Hello, Gavin!"

"GAH!" I yelped, jumping in my seat. She jumped back a bit too.

"Sorry, I just thought you looked kinda lonely. I know you don't like a lot of people, but...I was just thinking it would be a nice thing to do to join you. I mean, you've got nothing keeping you busy here with Collin...missing." I flinched at the last part, bu I did my best to hide it.

"Uh, yeah. Well...guess I could say he did give me something to do. Even if he was stupid and pissed me off, it was better than sitting on my ass all day." I said, blowing it off. She nodded, biting her lip slightly.

"So,'s (Y/n)?"

"You come over just to ask that?" I asked.

"No, no! I was just...trying to find something to talk about." She said. I sighed. I let my wall down just a little.

"She's still not herself. I can see it's getting to her. She's been in that room more often than ever, lately. She seriously needs to figure out her emotions. It's holding her back." Tina looked surprised.

"I...didn't think you knew that much about anyone." I glared at her slightly. Her eyes widened before she looked down. "Sorry. That didn't come out as I expected." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Like I care." I blew off again, even though I knew she was right and it actually did kinda sting a little when she said that. God, I'm becoming such a soft push-over. I thought. 

"Uh, Gavin? You still there?" I looked at her again. Fuck, trailed off. 

"Yeah, where else do you think I'd be?" I snapped slightly.

"Gavin, looked kinda...sad for a second." I froze. She noticed. I stood up.

"I'm not sad. Only reason I'd be sad is if I were as sad as that damn piece of plastic that got his synthetic ass stolen. I gotta go. Better check (Y/n) before she stresses herself to death. Later." I said and left, heading to the evidence room. Relief washed over me as I noticed she wasn't following me. Jesus, that was close.

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