Chapter 43

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Connor's POV

The next day, I was back at New Jericho. I came back with all of the other androids so we could all get checked over. I was in perfect working order, but we did have to help the injured. Luckily there were a lot of free hands to help out now.

I went to check on Cass and her group. As soon as I was within their view, Cass spotted me. She smiled and waved me over. I walked over to them and sat down on one of the crates they had to sit on.

"Hey, Connor! What's up?" She asked.

"I came to see if you all were also in working order," I replied.

"We're good. Thanks, though." She told me. I nodded.

"So, Connor, what's next for the infamous android detective?" Ryker asked me. I thought about it. The word detective stayed with me for a moment. I remembered Hank. I wanted to go see him.

"I have a human I would like to visit." 

"Human!?" Cynthia exclaimed.

"No, he's not bad!" I assured. They calmed down.

"Well, who is he?" Joey asked.

"His name is Hank Anderson. He's my partner. I want to visit him because he helped me free the other androids."

"Wait, seriously!? Why didn't you tell us that!?" Nate asked.

"I hadn't thought to mention it. My apologies." I told them.

"It's cool." He said. 

"Well, we'll see you on the other side, Connor!" Star said. I nodded with a smile.

"Goodbye, everyone. I hope to see you all again soon." They all said goodbye in their own respective ways as I turned and I began to leave New Jericho. 

I thought about where Hank might be. I had a good feeling that he'd be waiting for me at a very special place. If he wasn't there, I knew where his house was so I would just go there instead. I still had a feeling he was going to be there.

I made my way down the street toward Chicken Feed. Just as I predicted, he was there. I could see Hank standing in front of the food cart before he noticed that I was coming. I kept walking and he soon saw me too. I smiled at him. He smiled back. After a moment, we both hugged. Words weren't needed. We stayed that way for a long time until he pulled back.

"You did a great thing, Connor. I'm proud of you." He told me.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," I replied.

"Want to come over to my place? You can stay as long as you like since you don't really have a home to go to." Hank offered. I nodded, pleased and thankful for the offer.

"I will come and visit, but I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to stay. I do have New Jericho, but I'm unsure what Markus is planning for the old church." I explained. 

We both began the long walk to his house. I was excited to see Sumo again. Sumo was a good dog and he was my favorite pet to visit. I really do like dogs.

"So, aside from the home stuff, what's your next move, Connor?" Hank asked as we walked along. I thought about it. I smiled after a moment, knowing exactly what to say.

"I heard a grumpy old Lieutenant is in need of an android partner at the police department," I said. He elbowed me, and I chuckled. He chuckled a bit too.

"I think I'd like that. You're always welcome with us, Connor." I nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Hank." He shrugged.

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