Chapter 62

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You woke up the next morning, comfy and well rested. You squirmed a little as you woke up. Your eyes fluttered open and you finally understood why you felt so restrained, yet protected at the same time. Connor's arms were still around you and you saw he was resting peacefully as well. You smiled and gently buried your face into the cotton of his nightshirt. 

You didn't want to get up just yet. You wanted to stay there with him. Then, that voice came back and you frowned as you realized what this looked like. What it was turning into alarmed you. "You know you can't hold back for much longer. You're already letting him in." That voice reminded you. You sighed softly, careful not to do it too loud and wake up Connor. What am I doing? You wondered. You didn't even know how to feel about it anymore. You wished you had somebody to go to about how you felt. You cared for Connor, but you were afraid of letting anyone in again. Love was pain. It was something you'd convinced yourself. Hiding in the bliss would always be a person's greatest misery. It would just be waiting for its chance to snatch the joy away.

You carefully got up and remarkably you didn't wake Connor up. You went to the bathroom to take a shower. You washed away every ounce of discomfort from your body that morning. Scrubbing and re-scrubbing areas until you felt like you had a new coat of skin. You washed your hair three times that morning. It took a good hour an a half of your time.

Once you were done, you felt like a different person. You got out and dried off. You then went to get dressed. As you walked to your room, you had let it slip your mind that Connor would still be in there. You walked in and you saw he was just getting up. You blushed more than ever as he spotted you. His face burst out blue as well as he just kind of stared at you, unable to do anything else. 

"EHEM!!" You cleared your throat very loudly to get him to stop looking below your shoulders. His eyes met yours and you gave him the 'are you kidding me?!' look. He quickly looked away and you snatched your clothes before rushing to the closet. You got dressed in there and then you took a quick deep breath before heading back out. Connor was still sitting on the edge of the bed, his cheeks still bright blue. He got up and faced you, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean t-to...stare." You grinned, shaking your head with a sigh.

"I understand I'm attractive, but it's been a long time since I've allowed a guy to look at me like that, Con."

"My apologies, (Y/n)." You chuckled.

"Eh, it's nothing new. You don't think guys stare at me out on the streets. It's something a girl gets used to." You explained.

" at you like that even when we're just out on the street?" He asked.

"Oh, all the time. Most probably picture it with the clothes off too." You saw his LED start flashing red and yellow. You were surprised that would make him so upset.

"That's not right. They should know to respect you more." Connor said.

"Con, you do know that most people don't do that. It's just the ones that do that kinda overextend their limits." You said. He calmed down after that. You wondered why he had gotten upset over that. It was part of life. People stared at other people they found attractive. It was nothing new.

Still, you pushed it aside and you asked him if he wanted to watch TV or something while you made breakfast. He offered to make it for you, but you denied this time. You could do it yourself. If he did it every day, you'd forget how to.

You both left together and Connor sat down on the couch as you went to the kitchen to cook. You began to make your breakfast as you saw the cats cuddling up to Connor. You smiled a little at the sight. You looked away, blushing slightly. You pushed it away as you focused on getting your food.

After you were done making your breakfast, you went out to sit on the couch and eat it while relaxing beside Connor. He seemed a little surprised that you'd joined him, but nevertheless, he looked happy that you had. You both stayed there together as you ate and watched TV. 

Soon enough, you knew you had to get ready. You finished your food and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. You went to the bathroom to do your hair, put on some makeup, and brush your teeth. You joined Connor again after you were done.

The two of you left together and soon made it to the police department. You met up with Hank and said goodmorning to him. He returned the gesture and you and Connor sat down at your own desks.

"So, did you hear about anybody finding anything else?" You asked.

"Ben said that there was one guy who said he had a vague description of somebody with the android, but that was before they were in the alley, so we can't be certain. Ben said he asked the guy to come in and tell us some other stuff today. He should be here at around 11:00." Hank said. You nodded.

"Well, at least we have a start." You said, pointing out that at least there was some sort of positive.

"Agreed. Anything that we can get will be helpful to some regard." Connor added.

"Did you get this guy's name?" You asked.

"Uh, yeah. Jonathan Miers. He's in his late 20's from what Ben told me." Hank replied.

"Hopefully he'll be able to give us something useful." You said.

"Well, I wouldn't get our hopes too high. He didn't seem to have too much to tell." 

"Still, as I previously mentioned, anything we can get is worth something," Connor said.

"What about the android? What happened to him?" You asked. 

"Cyberlife took him to see what they could do. I don't really understand how that works with you guys yet." Hank said.

"It is a complex process currently. Markus is still trying to get some of those matters sorted out. They have a temporary solution right now, but it isn't very efficient. It will cause problems for the long term situation. Hopefully, it will be sorted out soon." Connor explained.

"Speaking of which, did Kamski take back full control of Cyberlife? I didn't really look into that." You said.

"No. He just helped adjust the company with the new laws and rights. I heard a new human has been hired as head for now. They are aware it may be temporary though. They were hoping for an android to take over." Connor stated.

"Who did they get? Do you know?" You asked.

"I heard it was a former high profile worker that was well trusted by a different group of androids that were hiding outside the city. That's all I heard though." Hank sighed.

"Well, let's just hope he actually is trustworthy." 

"Yeah, no kidding. We don't need any more chaos." You agreed. 

"What's gonna happen with android...production. Sorry, but I don't really know how else to say it, Connor." Hank asked.

"It's alright, Hank. I don't mind and I understand that it's still how we come to be. But anyway, there is a lot of work still going into that as well. I've heard that they are going to finish a couple of the new models that had been in development, but for now, most of it is still uncertain. Markus has ideas, thankfully, and it has been agreed that as long as they are declared reasonable by the government and are solutions until things are official, they've agreed to let him put them into action for the time being."

"At least it's moving in the right direction so far." You added. The two of them nodded and you were about to get up to go get a coffee, but Chris came over to you all.

"We have a Johnathan Miers here for questioning. He arrived early." You all looked at each other before Hank spoke up.

"Let him in. Let's see what he has to say."

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