Chapter 41

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Stardust's POV

We were all still building up the mini fort to help protect ourselves. I was still keeping an eye on the soldiers as I helped the others build. I was relieved nothing had happened yet. Soon enough, we had all built the fort to the best of our abilities. I turned to Markus. He'd asked me and my friends to help if anything happened. We were like his second team besides Simon, North, and Josh.

"We've gotta finish the barricade. Come on, help me." He said. I nodded and followed after him. We both walked toward a bench and I helped Markus set it up as the others grabbed the last few things we needed. "That should do it." I nodded. Josh spoke to Markus.

"I know it was not an easy decision to make, but I'm sure we're doing the right thing." He said. I smiled.

"Me too." I agreed. Markus nodded. We both then hurried back inside the barricade. I checked on other androids and my friends and Markus check soldiers' positions while I told Cynthia to set up stuff to show the journalists what our intentions were. I then walked back over to Markus and Josh.

"They won't stop there. What are we gonna do if they attack?" Josh asked.

"Resist. That's the only thing we can do." Markus replied.

"We just have to hold out." I agreed.

"Do you think Connor has any chance of making it?" Josh asked.

"I trust Connor. He helped us so far. Even if he doesn't I know he'll have given it his best, but I believe in him." I said. Markus nodded.

"I believe in him as well, but we can only count on ourselves right now." He said.

"Fair enough." I agreed. We both walked toward North.

"This won't hold them for long, but...I guess it's better than nothing." She said.

"I lost all contact with the people at the camps. I can't hear the voices anymore." Markus said.

"Maybe the humans have scrambled our network. Maybe they just can't get through." North said.

"For their sake and ours...I hope so." I said. Markus looked troubled.

"There's no other way out. They are going to kill us. The only hope we have left is that we don't die for nothing." He said.

"You're the hope of our people. I trust you. We all trust you." North said. "No matter what happens now we're making history." 

"North is right. Even if we die tonight, nobody can erase what we've done. And personally, I'm sure that there's still hope for us. I can feel it." I said. Markus nodded and he went to go check on the others. Before he could, North called him back. She, Simon, and Josh were looking toward the soldiers. 

"Markus! Markus, come look!" She sounded worried. Markus hurried over and I quickly came to see what was going on. I saw Perkins there. I knew it had been him leading the previous attack on Jericho. I felt anger and disgust at such a heartless, horrible human being. We have more humanity than he ever did. I thought sourly.

"Markus!" He called through a speaker. "I've come to talk to you, Markus. Come on, you have my word, they won't try anything." He said.

"Why do I not believe him?" Cynthia retorted, coming up next to me.

"Don't go, it's a trap!" North said. I agreed with her on this one. "They want to get you out in the open. Don't go, Markus."

"I'm unarmed, Markus. And I just want to talk." Perkins insisted. I knew he had no choice. If Markus refused it could make things worse.

"I need to hear what he has to say," Markus said.

"What if they kill you?" North asked.

"That's a chance I'll have to take," Markus told her. 

"I'm coming to. You need somebody out there with you." I said. He nodded. I followed Markus outside and over to Perkins. He looked at me first, clearly unhappy that Markus brought me as backup, but I couldn't care less about what he felt. He turned to Markus after looking me over quick.

"In a few minutes, the troops will be ordered to charge. None of you will survive. It will all be over. But you can avoid that, Markus." He said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Surrender." How did I know he was going to say that? I thought bleakly. "Surrender and I give you my word your life will be spared. They'll be detained, but none of you will be destroyed." He said.

"What happened to the other androids demonstrating in the camps?" Markus asked.

"Unfortunately, there were no journalists around to help save them. You're it. You're the last remaining deviants." Perkins said. I felt rage boil inside of me. That son of a bitch. I wished I could slap him, but I forced myself to show no reaction to his words. If I did, it'd mean trouble.

"If I accept your offer how do I know you'll keep your word?" Markus asked.

"You're not in any position to be demanding guarantees, Markus. All you can do right now is to decide whether you want to trust me or not." He said. Hell no to that. 

"I'm not afraid to die. If I have to give my life for what I believe in, then I won't have lived in vain." Markus said.

"What about her?" He asked, looking at North. "You two seem to really care about each other. You don't want her to die, do you? You know, you could both be free. You could forget about all this, you could start a new life someplace else, just the two of you. Just say the word and you'll both be spared." He said.

"I'd rather die here than betray my people," Markus said. I finally spoke up.

"If you think you're going to earn any points from any one of us, I have to say you're wrong, Perkins. Whether you want us dead or in cuffs doesn't matter. You're not trying to help any of us. You're trying to bribe us. Us androids have no reason to trust you and even if we did we have no reason to betray each other and no reason to give up on fighting for what we believe in. No reason to stop fighting for what's right. If you want me to leave this place, you'll have to drag my limp body out of here yourself. I will die tonight doing what's right and I'll die by their side. You've never felt what I have. I may die tonight, but I'll have a hand to hold while doing it. No matter what you do, you will have nothing. I have loved even if you don't believe it's possible. So go ahead, threaten us and attack us and slaughter us, but none of us will never surrender to somebody like you." I said, my voice calm, but my stare cold. He chuckled in disbelief.

"Well, you just signed your own death warrant." He said and walked back to his side. I followed Markus back to ours.

"That was impressive. You have a lot of bravery, Stardust." I grinned.

"I've never liked given up. Besides, we're all in this together, right?"

"Together." He agreed. I hurried over to Nate and told him the news. He held me close.

"No matter what, I'll always be with you. I promise." He whispered.

"I love you."

"I love you too. I'll be right here with you. No matter what." I kissed him for a short moment and we stayed together as Markus told everyone else the news. We really are in this together.

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