Chapter 81

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Connor's POV

"Hello, everyone." She greeted us normally as if nothing was wrong. As if nothing had happened. I didn't take the time to think about it.

"(Y/n)..." Gavin breathed, too shocked to move. Hank couldn't even speak. Collin had obviously figured out what was going on and he decided to stay out of it. 

"Why are you all so shocked?" She asked. I still wasn't making the connections yet, all I cared about was her. 

"Y-you're back!" I exclaimed. I hugged her. "I can't believe it! You're alive! I-I thought I wasn't going to see you again." 

"Of course I'm alive. I was just activated." 

"Oh...shit..." I heard Hank mutter. I pulled back.


"Yes. What else?" 

"But I don't understand. You're human." She looked confused when I said that.

"I'm an android." I looked at her temple and I was stunned. He...he recreated her.

" don't remember me?" She shook her head.

"No, I know who you are. I have all of the memories I need. I don't think you understand just exactly how I was made, Connor."

" remember everything?" Hank asked.

"Yes. I have all of my memories and I also was created with my original body." 

"Wait...original body?" Gavin asked.

"She means that the actual (Y/n) was used to make her. In other words, this is the one and only (Y/n) (L/n) but she was modified into a more android like living state in order to be revived. I scanned her and it appears her arms, legs, parts of her brain, and parts of her chest and torso had to be replaced with android functions." Collin said.

"Precisely." (Y/n) agreed. I was stunned. IS her, but...why is she acting so much more like an...

"I also found a side effect of the mental modifications. It seems that along with the programming she needed, she now is more prone to android behavior rather than her original personality."

"So you're saying that this is (Y/n), but she just doesn't act like her!?" Gavin asked, clearly growing angrier by the minute.


"Then we're talking to a fucking ghost!" (Y/n) looked confused by that.

"I'm not a ghost. I am very much alive."

"Grah! I can't believe this shit! Does that bastard think that he can seriously just play god like this!? We buried her for fuck's sake!"

"I had a funeral?" She asked. 

"YES!" Gavin yelled. Her LED turned yellow. 

"Oh. My apologies. I didn't mean to say anything to upset you." 

"Unbelievable!" Gavin snapped.

"Reed, don't you get this? He gave (Y/n) a second chance at life!"

"That isn't fucking (Y/n)! It's just another plastic idiot!" He snapped. (Y/n) didn't seem to know what to say as he stormed off, but I honestly didn't take his comment to nicely either. I knew he was just upset, but that term referred to Collin and I as well. I glanced over at Collin and I was surprised for a moment. His LED was red and he was staring at the ground as if he was trying to hide what he was feeling. His expression was slightly colder than his normal neutral stance, but I didn't understand why Gavin's comment would potentially make him so upset. It could have been something else making him upset, but I wouldn't know what.

"Collin, watch (Y/n). Connor, we need to talk." Collin looked at Hank. His LED went back to yellow. He swallowed quick and straightened himself, regaining his composure.

"Yes, Lieutenant." I wanted to see if something was wrong, but Hank beckoned me away. I glanced back one last time at the two before following him.

"What is it?"

"This is all so fucked up. I don't know how I feel about this." Hank told me. I frowned.

"I...I don't know either. I feel like...we didn't get the real (Y/n) back."

"Yeah, me too, but I have an idea." I was curious now.

"An idea? For what?" I asked.

"How we can bring our (Y/n) back." I was listening intently now. "It's you, Connor." 

"Me!?" I asked. 

"Yeah, if you spend time with her like you did before, she might remember who she used to be and things would go back to normal!" Hank explained.

"But she has all her memories," I countered. 

"I'm not sure she does. She might know what happened, but I don't think she remembers the feelings she had from before. The feelings she had for anything. It's why she's acting like this. She remembers the words and actions, but not the emotion."

"When did you get to understand so much about this stuff?" I asked.

"I'm just spitballing here! But still, it's worth a shot, isn't it? Do stuff with her that brings out the (Y/n) we all know. She might be able to come back to us." I thought about it. He did have a good point. It was worth a try, but there was no way of knowing how long it would take if it was going to work at all.

"Alright. I'll try." I told him.

"Good, and I'll help whenever I'm around too. We can do this, I know it." I smiled a little and nodded. We went back over to both of them and I walked up to (Y/n). She looked at me and gave me a nod to greet me. I tried not to show how much it discouraged me that she was like this now. 

"I'm glad you're back, (Y/n)," I told her. She smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Connor. I understand this may be shocking to those who knew me. I hope I didn't cause you any distress." She really was like an android now.

"No, of course not. That would be...unprofessional." I said. She nodded.

"Very well then. I suppose I should get caught up on the case. If you would like to go over it with me so I don't miss any details, it would be very much appreciated." I nodded.

"Of course." We both went over to our desks and she began to scan through the files, asking me questions as we went along. She came across Axel's file.

"So this was the man who shot me?" She asked. I nodded, not saying anything, very uncomfortable with the topic. "I'm glad you all were able to catch him." I nodded again, still staying silent. She finished looking through everything and Hank soon came over to sit down at his own desk. 

"It's nice to see you made it through, (Y/n)." He said. She nodded thankfully to him.

"Once again, I apologize if my supposed 'death' was emotionally stressful for any of you." 

"Well, all that matters is your back now." He told her. She nodded.

"I suppose you are correct. Thank you." She looked over toward Gavin and Collin. "I suppose Officer Reed isn't taking it as well. I'll have to talk to him later about that. However, Collin looks distressed as well. They both seem tense to me. Do either of you have a reason for that? Collin has never met me, therefore cannot be as emotional about my return."

"No idea," Hank said. I thought about the comment Gavin made before.

"No. I don't have a reason either." I replied. I decided it was best to stay quiet. Maybe there was something going on between them I didn't know about. I didn't want to have (Y/n) pushing buttons on either of them.

"Alright then. I suppose it's nothing. Thank you for the intel, though." She said and went back to work. I looked over at Hank. This is NOT going to be easy...

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