Chapter 116

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(WARNING! This chapter contains mature themes. If you wish to skip, then look for the next bold marks past the ones right below these. That's all, continue.)

After you and Connor had gotten home, you both decided to watch one movie before heading to bed. You picked out one of your favorites, Avatar. (If you don't like that movie...*0* By the way, it's the live action one with the blue people, not the last Airbender. XD Anyway, moving on.) You turned it on and Connor watched with interest. You leaned against him and he wrapped an arm around you as the two of you enjoyed it together.

It had gotten pretty late by the time the movie had finished. Connor said that he liked it. You always loved the ending battle. It just made your heart pump. You got up, stretched, and then made your way to the bedroom. You grabbed your PJ's and changed before heading into the bathroom to take everything out of your hair and clean off your makeup.

You went to join Connor once you were finished. You climbed into bed and he pulled you in close to his chest. You smiled sleepily as you cuddled up to him. 

"Night, Connor." You told him.

"(Y/n), may I ask you something quick?" 

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" You asked.

"I was wondering...about a certain scene." He began.

"Oh, okay. What scene?" You asked, still in and out of falling asleep.

"The one in the forest before the bulldozers. The one with the trees of voices?" He asked. Your heart skipped a beat.

"Oh...u-um...what about it?" You asked. 

"What...what did they do?" You swallowed hard.

"Um...w-well..." You didn't know how to explain it to him. You pulled back so you could talk to him more directly. "They...mated."

"But I thought only animals mate," Connor said, clearly confused. You sighed.

"Well, I mean, yes. That's true, but mating is just...another word for it. It's the same thing, after all."

"Another word for what?" Connor asked. You were scrambling. God, why do I have to explain this?! 

"It's another word for being intimate."

"Intimate?" He asked.

"Yeah. Humans are intimate with each other. There are different extents to it, and that kind is...the most intimate, you could say." 

"So they were just showing an extreme amount of love for each other." You sighed.

"Con...they had sex." 

"They were trying to have a child?" 

"No, they-...*sigh* Sometimes, humans do it because it feels good. It is a strong way of bonding, but a lot of humans only do it for the pleasure."

"So...they did it because it felt good?" 

"Yes, that and it bonded them together forever." You explained. His LED spun yellow for a moment. He nodded slowly.


"It's nothing you need to be worried about, Connor. Let's just get some sleep, alright?" He smiled a little.

"Alright. Goodnight, angel." You chuckled and gave him a quick sweet kiss.

"Goodnight, Con." After that, you gladly took your chance to get some much-needed rest.

(Mature theme end.)

Connor's POV

She fell asleep and I accepted the answers I got. It was not important, after all. I relaxed and let myself go into sleep mode. As I slept, I suddenly felt a pain in my head. I groaned and came out of sleep mode. I looked around. The room was darker than before. It looked dull and grey, almost foggy. Something wasn't sitting right with me. It was then I noticed (Y/n) wasn't beside me. 

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