Chapter 178

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Connor's POV

*And now...*

I needed to track them down. I had to find them and make sure they were safe. I knew it wasn't going to be easy if Cass had turned off her trackers, but I was going to try. I tested her tracker, trying to connect with her. I was shocked to see it was still on. 

"At least I know I can make it there in time." I quickly began to get ready. I had to do this alone this time. I didn't want to drag my brother into it. If Collin or Gavin got injured, it would have immense effects on the other. I also didn't want Hank to get hurt. He had already been through so much. This was my fight.

As I got ready to head out, Collin contacted me again. I connected with him, knowing I'd have to talk with him before I left. It wasn't optional.

"We're on our way right now, Connor. Did you figure out how to find them?" I sighed.

"Yes, but I need you all to take care of the animals. I'm going alone."

"What? Connor, your probability of success by yourself is-"

"I know. It is lower than it could be. But the probability of your injury is higher. I can't keep risking the lives of the rest of my family. I can do this, Collin." There was a long pause as I walked out the door.

"I know you can. Be careful, brother."

"I will. I'll see you again once they're safe. I promise." 

"Goodluck." With that, he hung up and I was on my way. I knew I had to get there fast. It was getting dark and, by my calculations, the attack had happened a few hours afternoon. They'd been gone a while. I was afraid it was already too late, but I still kept going. I had to keep going. There was no longer any going back. Too much had been done and it could never be unraveled. I was going to make sure we'd stay together. 

Gavin's POV

*30 minutes earlier*

I was relaxing at home with Collin. I was pretty beat that night and I just wanted to relax. Collin seemed to understand that. He joined me as I laid down on the couch. His arms wrapped around me and I blushed as he kissed my cheek.

Most people would've hated the silence between us, but nothing had to be said and I honestly liked that a lot. I was glad that words didn't need to be said for us to understand each other. It only made me feel like our bond was even stronger. That was a comforting thought to me. 

The cats joined us after a few minutes. Collin pet them for a moment before wrapping his arms around me again. I sighed happily as he held me. I normally didn't like being soft and cuddly, but...sometimes, I couldn't help it. It felt nice to relax with him. If only it could've lasted.

Collin suddenly got a call. I moved so he could get up easier. We both sat up and I decided to listen to at least find out who it was. He answered and that answered my own question pretty quickly.

"Hello? ... Oh, hello, Connor." I wasn't surprised it was Connor. It still was kinda strange for me to think of them as brothers, but I was getting used to it. "Whoa, slow down, Connor. What's going on?" I was more alert after he said that. "She's what? ... (Y/n) has been taken?" I was shocked.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Collin seemed to just remember that I was beside him. He held up his hand as if to stay 'I'll tell you in a minute'. I didn't like that. This was quickly becoming serious.

"Well, we'll be over as soon as-" He cut off. "Cassandra and Jaylin went after her? How do you know?" They were there!? I had so many questions. "Oh my, well, we'll be over right away to take them to a vet." Vet? Wait, what? "I understand. I'll call you once we're in the car. ... Yes, talk to you soon." 

"Okay, what the hell is happening!?" I shouted.

"(Y/n) has been taken by Shane's sister. We were wrong. She's been hunting her for a while now. Cassandra and Jaylin were there to fight her, but she got away. The cats were also injured and Jackson needs to see a vet as soon as possible. He was hurt pretty bad. We need to take them. Connor is going after the three of them. He also wants us to contact Hank and get him so there's three of us with the cats."

"Wait, Connor's going to face a crazy woman by himself!? What the hell kind of idea is that!?" 

"I don't know what Connor is planning, but we don't have time to call him back and ask. We have to go, now." I sighed, but I nodded, getting up and quickly going to change.  Once I finished, we headed out. Collin called Hank as we left. He filled Hank in and Hank agreed that he'd come with us. 

As we picked up Hank and began to head to Connor's place, Collin called him again. I was pretty anxious at this point. I also wanted to know what exactly had happened and where (Y/n) was. I assumed Connor knew. Well, more like I hoped he knew. If he didn't, that would make things so much worse.

"We're on our way right now, Connor. Did you figure out how to find them?" There was a pause. "What? Connor, your probability of success by yourself is-" Both me and Hank looked worried as he said that. Collin didn't say anything for a while. Finally, he sighed as if he was giving in to something. "I know you can. Be careful, brother. ... Goodluck." With that, he hung up.

"Well, what did he say?" Hank demanded.

"He's going alone. We must take care of the animals."

"Are you shittin' me!? There's no fuckin' way Connor's doin' this by himself! Not if I can help it!"

"Hank, we don't have a choice. He won't give us the location and he's already leaving. We need to make sure that his animals are alright and that they're going to make it. That is why he needs us right now. We need to be there for him with this."

"He's gonna get himself killed!" I agreed with Hank on this one.

"There was no way of convincing him. He's running out of time and he couldn't wait for us to take care of the cats before leaving. I'm sorry, but it's already too late to change anyone's mind." We both frowned.

"That idiot better come back alive or I'll kill him a second time once I die," Hank grumbled, but we both knew he was worried about Connor. It was fairly obvious.

"Connor is not one to go down easy, Lieutenant." He sighed, crossing his arms as he looked out the window.

"Yeah, I know, son." Once again, it was weird hearing that from Hank, but I knew I'd still just have to get used to it. 

"I can't believe I'd end up having to trust androids with the life of the people around me," I announced. Hank laughed a little.

"Yeah, me neither, Reed."

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