Chapter 171

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You groaned slightly as you woke up. You knew right away that something was wrong. You sighed heavily. I knew I shouldn't have had any drinks. I swear, being half and half, one side of me is always trying to kill the other. 

You heard a soft hum from behind you. A soft smile graced your lips as Connor's arms pulled you closer. You closed your eyes again as you felt his chest pressing up against your back. You soon felt him kiss your shoulder.

"Goodmorning, love." You chuckled in response.

"Morning, Con."

"Sleep well?"

"Eh...yeah, but I don't think my stomach did." You explained.

"How come?" He asked, a bit more awake now.

"Drinks, probably. Think you can do me a favor?" You asked him.

"You want something for the pain?" He asked, already guessing what you were going to ask. You nodded with a slight-hum and he sat up enough to lean over and kiss your cheek before getting up. He pulled the covers off of himself and went to go get some pills for you. You closed your eyes once more as you waited for him to return.

After a few minutes, you began to wonder what was taking him so long. Just as you were about to get up and check on him, you heard footsteps coming back down the hallway. You turned onto your back and tilted your head so you could see the door. He came in with the pills and a glass of water. 

He gave them to you and helped you sit up so you could take a few swallows of the water to help wash them down. You thanked him for it and he smiled at you in return. "I hope you feel better soon." He replied, kissing your cheek before getting up. You were about to follow him, but he stopped you. "Get some more rest. If you're feeling better then we can head in, if not, I'll call us in sick."

"No, no. Just call me in. I'll be fine alone for a day if it comes to me staying home."

"Are you sure, love?" He asked, sitting back down on the edge of the bed. You blushed as his fingers brushed some of your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. You always loved it was he was sweet with you. It made your heart flutter and you couldn't help but smile at it.

"I'm sure, Connor. I'll be okay." He nodded. He gave you a kiss on your forehead and went to go get ready. He went to the bathroom to take a shower and you sighed heavily, closing your eyes as you tried to get some more rest. 

After about half an hour, you still weren't feeling good. In fact, you were starting to feel a bit worse. You decided it wasn't worth trying to go to work. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to go. 

Connor came back out once he was done showering and you turned your head toward him. You frowned, but you still called him over. It came out as more of a groan than you had intended, but that didn't really matter to you. "Connor..." He paused and came over to you. You blushed hard as you saw he saw still only in a bath towel, but the heat from your face was not helping the heat in your head. 

"Still not feeling well?" He asked. You shook your head. He nodded with an understanding smile. "I'll call you in sick. Try to get some rest today, okay?" 

"Okay. Thanks, Connor." 

"Anything for you, sweetheart." He got dressed and you continued to rest there. After about another 20 minutes, Connor came back in. You were surprised to see he'd made you breakfast. You smiled as he helped you sit up again. You thanked him for the food and he gave you another kiss on the cheek before leaving again. 

Once you had finished your food, you finally got up and took your dishes out to the sink. You put the ones you needed to hand wash in the sink and put the rest in the dishwasher. Connor helped you, but you told him that you were good enough to do a few things by yourself. You went to the couch afterward and laid down. 

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now