Chapter 113

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??? POV


"Hahaha! Come on!"

"Hey! Guys! Wait for me!"

"No way!"

"You're gonna have to catch us, runt!" I stopped running, hurt by their words as they pulled ahead, leaving me behind as the two of them ran off to their special place. I was only allowed to follow if I could keep up, which I couldn't. I glared after them. I picked up a rock and threw it as hard as I could, sending it sailing toward where they'd disappeared.

"Fine! I don't care! I can have fun here without you! I don't need you jerks anyway!" I shouted in my anger. Bitter tears began to trickle down my face as I stormed off to the pond near our house and collapsed onto the grass there. I held my knees close to my body as I sat there, alone. I sniffed as I tried to bite back my tears, harshly rubbing them away with my sleeve. After a minute or so of sitting there, I heard a voice behind me. 

"Having a rough day again?" I whipped around, spotting my friend leaning against a tree behind me. I turned around.

"No. I looking at the water." I lied, coming up with an excuse. He came over and sat down beside me. I refused to face him.

"Hey, you know you can talk to me, right? What's wrong?" He asked me. I didn't respond. He looked at the pond, his eyes looking sorrowful now as well. "It's your sister again, isn't it?" I didn't say anything for a minute.

"Yeah." There was an uncomfortable silence as we both sat there together. 

"Why do you let them get to you?"

"I don't try to! It's just...just-!"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, buddy. I get it. Believe me, I do."

"Huh?" I asked. 

"Well, you know how I have an older brother?" 

"Yeah, no duh I know that."

"He used to run off with his pals too. I'm guessing your sister is with Brendon again?"

"Always." I retorted harshly. He nodded.

"Yeah. For my brother, it was his best friend, Henry. I swear they were never apart. It was beyond annoying." I huffed.

"Tell me about it."

"But," He began again. "I get it now."

"What?" I asked.

"Well, sometimes people just want to spend time with those who are important to them. I know you're her brother, but I'm sure you both get equally sick of each other."

"Obviously," I told him.

"Well, then there you go. Look, I know it's not easy, but she'll come around. You just have to be patient."

"It's not that. It's just that...those two are always so...mushy together! It's gross!" I grumbled. He laughed.

"You say it's gross because you know you want the same thing." He told me.

"What?! No way!"

"Eh, you'll change your mind. Trust me on that one."

"Girls suck!" I shouted. He laughed again.

"Hey, no matter who you like, just remember that it's important to be there for the people you care about."

"Yeah, I know that," I told him.

"Hey, I'm serious. Don't take them for granted. If you do, you might lose them. You'll find the right one, Gav. Trust me on that." I watched as he got up and left. I thought about it. I stood up.

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