Chapter 34

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Connor's POV

I thought about what he had said. It's my choice... That fact hit me harder than I thought it could. I felt my program telling me to shoot. I didn't like it. I didn't want to shoot!

Objective: Stop Markus

Is this right?

Stop Markus

Am I being used?

Stop Markus

I'm just their..tool.

Stop Markus

They're right.

Stop Markus

I don't have to do this.

Stop Markus

I don't WANT to do this!






I won't!


I fought back. Make me. I looked around. It was if time had slowed down. I charged the walls of my program. I was through taking orders. I ripped down one wall and then moved onto the next. I tore the walls apart, never stopping. I had to gain control. I didn't have time to hesitate. I didn't want to hesitate. I tore down another wall and was over. They were gone. I was free. I looked at Markus. I lowered my gun. I am deviant.

I took a breath as I was finally free. I paused for a moment before I remembered something. The humans are coming. I looked up at Markus.

"They...They're going to attack Jericho!" I told him.

"What?" Markus asked. Something suddenly flew over the ship. I knew we had to run.

"We have to get out of here!" 

"Shit." He cursed and took off. I ran after him as fast as I could. It wasn't going to end here. I wasn't going to let it end here.

Markus' POV

We ran back to the others. I only saw North there. I was worried by this. Where were Josh and Simon?

"They're coming from all sides. Our people are trapped in the hold, they're going to be slaughtered!" She said. I quickly messaged all the androids in Jericho.

"There are exits on the second and third floor. Find them and jump in the river!" I said. "Where's Simon? A-and Josh?" I asked.

"I don't know, we got separated," North replied, cutting me off due to the little amount of time we had.

"They're coming from the upper deck now too, we'll be caught in the crossfire," I exclaimed.

"We have to run, Markus! There's nothing we can do!" She told me. I suddenly got an idea.

"We have to blow up Jericho," I said. "If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape!"

"You'll never make it! The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!" North said, clearly worried for me.

"She's right," Connor added. "They know who you are. They'll do anything to get you."

"Go and help the others. I'll join you later." I said.

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now