Chapter 104

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??? POV

I looked around. I had no idea where I was. I instantly reached to see if I had any weapons on me. Being alone in a dark area could make anyone paranoid, okay? I decided to risk calling out for anyone. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything. 

"Hello?" There was no response. I wished my eyes would've adjusted faster, but I knew I'd have to live with being practically blind until they did. I began to walk around, looking to see if I could find my way to somewhere with some light. I could make out a few items as I walked along, like desks and chairs, but nothing else. 

Then, I ran into a door. I opened it, but it was still dark. I decided to follow the hallway it'd lead me to. I kept walking until I got to some stairs. They only went up. I shrugged, still having nothing to lose. 

I kept on my path and soon I came to another door. I opened it and I was surprised to find myself on the roof of a tall building. I looked around, wondering if there was anywhere else I could go or if anyone was up here. 

I soon figured out that I was alone and there was nowhere to go but back the way I came. I huffed, frustrated. "Well, that was a waste of time." I began to head back, having nothing else to see where I was. 

When I tried to open the door, the handle wouldn't budge. I tried it again, tugging harder. I got nothing. I growled in anger. "Just perfect! I'm stuck up here!" I shouted. I thought about what I could do. There was literally nothing on the roof, so I didn't have many options. Well, I really only had two options. Number one was sitting there and doing nothing. Number two was trying to break down the door. 

I didn't want to sit on my ass, so I decided that trying to bust down the door was the better option. I raised my foot and kicked it as hard as I could. I heard something start to snap. I kicked it again. I put a dent in it this time. I kicked it one last time and it burst open. 

I walked back inside, but when I tried to go down the stairs, I fell. The floor was gone! I screamed as I fell. I hit the ground hard and I groaned in pain. My entire body hurt and it felt like I had just gotten hit by a truck.

I got up slowly, still trying to steady myself after being dazed like that. I knelt there for a minute, regaining my balance, senses, and breath. After I felt good enough to walk, I stood back up. I kept walking. still trying to navigate the darkness.

As I walked, I felt my shoes start to stick to the ground. I couldn't tell what I was walking in, and I was too grossed out to try and see what it was. I just hoped it wouldn't get any deeper than what it already was. 

I kept walking and pretty soon I could make out a blue light up ahead. I could also make out something laying on the ground there as well. I kept walking toward it, but I froze once I could make it out. It was a body. It was an android. My heart started racing as I prayed I wasn't actually seeing this. I hurried over to it. I could make out what was on the ground now. It was blue blood.  My heart started pumping even faster. 

I made it to the android and I almost screamed as my fears came true. I was shaking and tears were already in my eyes. "N-no..." I fell to my knees, not wanting to believe it. "I-I can't be too late. N-no...please, God, no!" I begged, clutching my head as I broke down, panicking and grieving at the same time. "Not again!" I screamed.

"They'll all be worthless when we're done." I whipped around as I heard a voice. It was a women's and I'd heard it before. 


"What good would that do? It's still dead. OR should I say...deactivated~"

"You sick heartless whore! He was alive! They are alive!" 

"Says the man who used to spit out insults and ridicule any piece of plastic he interacted with. You're no better than me."

"Fuck you," I growled, hatred making my blood boil.

"I would prefer not to." She replied.

"Why you snarky piece of shit! Come out, fucking coward!"

"If that's what you want~" Before I could react I heard a bang and I felt pain shoot through my shoulder. I screamed, my other hand racing to the wound. "If you insist he's alive, then you surely won't mind having your blood mix with his." She taunted.

"C-cocky...bitch!" I snapped, biting my lip from the pain. T-that was no ordinary bullet. Christ, this hurts! 

"Hmp, I'll take that as a compliment. After all, it's not cocky. It's confident." She chuckled.

"Y-you won't get away with this!" She laughed. I suddenly felt something pressed against my back. I froze in terror, knowing exactly what it was.

"We already have~" The gun fired and I collapsed. I couldn't breathe, but I was too weak to even move. I felt blood trickle out of my mouth and my eyes were getting heavier. I heard her chuckle as she walked away. The only thing I could see was the android who was still next to me.

"C...Collin...I'm s-sorry..." My eyes closed and I could feel the beat of my heart getting weaker. My breath was shaking as I fought to steady it. I-I...don't want to give up... I couldn't feel my arms and legs now. I-I always...give up. My lungs were aching. W-why am I so...helpless?

"Gavin." I heard another voice. Huh? "Gavin, get up." I...I can't. "Gavin..." S-stop! "Gavin!" G-get out! "GAVIN!"

"AHH!" I shot awake and I looked around in a panic. Nobody was there. I was confused. "C...Collin?" I asked, thinking that maybe he was here. I got no answer. I frowned and laid back down. It was just a nightmare... I felt tears run down my face. This is all just a nightmare. 

I was still so scared. That had felt so real, even if some of the events were a bit impossible. I don't think I can literally fall through the floor. At least, not like that, anyway. I tried to calm down as I laid there, but I was still shaking pretty bad. My lip quivered slightly as I tried to hold in my sobs. I just couldn't calm back down. 

I got up, steadying myself enough to go get two things. I grabbed some of my pills and took them first. Then, I went to get the one other thing I thought could help me calm down. Collin had a spare jacket in case anything ever happened to his. I let him keep his clothing in my empty bottom dresser drawer. He didn't have much, so it was enough space for his stuff. 

I grabbed the jacket and headed back to my bed. I laid down and covered up. I was still crying, but not as hard as before. I clutched the jacket close. It was comforting, but it didn't make the fear and sadness go away completely. I felt so guilty knowing he was taken and there was nothing I could do. I shut my eyes tight as I tried to go back to sleep. "I'm sorry..."

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