Chapter 58

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You were back to work. You were so glad to be back. You finally had more stuff to do during the day. Connor was glad he could do something productive as well and Hank admitted that it was a little nice to do something else again. Gavin didn't really care, but you knew that he was glad the city was back up and running again.

It had been 4 days since everyone had returned and things were going smoothly. Markus was now working with Kamski about the conditions of Cyberlife. The people previously running it were still a little...bitter towards androids to the government had given Kamski back his control of it and the two of them were working together along with following the rules the government was implementing about what they could do now. You were glad that they were handling it. Markus would do a good job and Kamski was smart enough to know how to make changes and such accordingly.

Back with you and the boys though, there wasn't much activity. There weren't many cases to work on yet. Not much had been happening. A few crashes had happened, but they weren't serious. It was just the people who still had manual driving cars moving back in. Since roads had been packed, it was a bit easier for things like that to happen, but at least none of them had been life-threatening or serious in any way.

Other than that, it was just the usual small things. Street fights and such were the only more serious things that were starting up again. Still, you didn't mind at least getting out of the house to go somewhere. 

You had noticed that most of the androids that had previously been working with the Department had stayed, but a fair amount had left leaving positions open for new recruits. There hadn't been any yet, but you were honestly curious to see if any of the spots were going to be filled soon and who they might be filled by. 

Another thing you noticed is that the androids that had stayed had changed their appearances. They probably didn't want to all look like the same person anymore. You could understand that. It'd be like having 7 too many twins.

You were hanging out with Gavin for a lunch and coffee break as Hank had taken Connor to Chicken Feed again. You were both just talking really. Gavin still had questions about you and Connor though. It honestly didn't surprise you at this point. Overall, it was still a nice way to take a break.

"I still don't get how you can see them as...people. I mean, they might look like us, but they're so different." Gavin said.

"You're not making yourself look good there, Gav." You told him.

"I know, I'm not trying to sound like I hate them. I don't...hate them anymore, I'm just still not exactly comfortable with them." You nodded.

"Yeah, I can understand that much." You agreed. "But still, at least Markus is peaceful. Things would've been a lot different if he hadn't been."

"Uhg, don't remind me. I don't even want to know what that would've brought." Gavin groaned. You chuckled.

"Then don't think about it." He rolled his eyes as you chuckled at him.

"Anyway, how've things with the tin can been going?" 

"Can you stop calling him that?"

"What? I've stopped calling him that to his face." You sighed. "Well, at least that's one step in the right direction." 

"Anyway, you gonna answer me?" You thought about it.

"Well...we're good friends." You said. 

"That's it?" Gavin asked.

"What do you mean 'that's it'?"

"I mean is that all you're going to give me? Come on, I'm sure that it's been more interesting than that." You blushed as you thought about the night on the playground.

"N-nothing really has happened." You lied.

"(Y/n), you're not a very good liar." 

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah, you are. And why are you blush-" He cut off, piecing it together. "No...there is NO WAY that you are serious about this!"

"I-I'm not! I-I don't...I don't want to get together with Connor, it's just the way he's been treating me is hard not to...kinda like, ya know?"

"Are you sure? Because I recall seeing him kiss you before! Did that happen again!?" He asked.

"No!" You said firmly. Luckily, he fell for that one.

"Then what's been happening?" Gavin asked.

"He's just...really nice to me and he's always trying to show that he cares." You said.

"But you don't want anything?" Gavin asked.

"No, I don't. Not know." You said.

"While I want you to get over that, hooking up with Connor would not be a good option."

"Wait a second, why not? Is this another 'he's an android' thing?" You asked. Gavin groaned.

"Fine! Yes! Yes, it is!" He blurted out. You were just glad he wasn't yelling at the top of his lungs. Even Gavin knew that he still had to be somewhat collected. You both would rather not have people staring anyway. Plus, most people were out on lunch break anyway. 

Gavin sighed, rubbing his forehead. You waited for him to speak, knowing he was going to. "(Y/n), I just don't want to see you get hurt again. You aren't even the same species. I'm sorry, but you can't deny that fact."

"I know and the fact that he's an android is still a bit of a barrier for me, but it's not a barrier enough to stop me from at least caring about him. We're not together, but he is my friend." You stated. Gavin sighed, both relieved and unsure about what he felt. He stood up and, since nobody was looking, gave you a quick hug. 

"Just be careful, okay? That's all I ask." You smiled a little and nodded.

"I'll be fine, Gav. I can handle myself now." 

"I'd hope so, or we're all gonna die." He joked. You laughed a bit and he left with a grin on his face. You watched him leave as you took another few swallows of your coffee. You finished up what you had and then headed back to your desk. 

Soon enough, Connor and Hank returned from Chicken Feed. They both sat down and you asked Hank how his food was. 

"It was as good as usual." He replied.

"You guys have any exciting conversations?" You asked, a hint of tease in your voice. 

"No, why? Did you?" Hank asked. You glanced toward Gavin.

"Nah, just the regular." You replied. 

"Hmp. What's the point coming back to work if we're just gonna sit around and do 'the regular' anyway." Hank asked.

"I'm sure this is gonna be a slow week, but it'll probably get better after that. IT'll at least start getting better." You said.

"Hey Connor, got any stats on that?" Hank asked. Connor's led went yellow for a moment. 

"There is a high probability that things will start returning to the normality within a week's time." He said. You laughed. 

"You have an answer for everything."

"Not everything, but I am very good at probabilities." 

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