Chapter 114

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You and Connor had been given some vacation time since you had been injured and you both had finally solved the android attack cases. Everyone involved had been flushed out during the fire and the entire group had been brought into custody.

You hadn't heard from Collin since he came to visit both of you. Hank had called to check in on you and Connor. He was pleased to talk to you again since you were up and finally back to your normal self. It was good to talk to him too.

Your brother and sister had visited right away after Connor had notified them that you were up. You had teared up upon seeing them. They had too since they hadn't seen the real you in years. You were overjoyed to have them back. It was overall just wonderful to be back. 

You were in your art room. It had bee a long time since you had tried to do anything artistic in there. You looked at some of your old paintings. You smiled a little. You had missed doing those things. You wondered if you were still good at it. You grabbed a dusty blank canvas and blew all of the dust off of it. You set it up and grabbed your paints and tools.

After everything was ready, you hummed, wondering what you should paint. You grinned as you got an idea. You got to work, listening and singing along to your music as your brushes danced across the canvas. 

You had been painting for almost two hours before you heard the front door open. You smiled, knowing who it was instantly. Connor had returned. He'd gone to the groomers with the cats to get them all cleaned up. You had offered to go instead, but he had reminded you that you were still healing. Reluctantly, you had given in and stayed home. 

"(Y/n)?" His call echoed through the house.

"In here!" You called back. He came in a minute later and he instantly looked surprised.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Painting." You replied. 

"May I see?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yeah! I just finished it actually." 

"Seems I arrived at the perfect time then." He chuckled, before looking at your work. "" 

You blushed at his reaction, slightly embarrassed about it now

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You blushed at his reaction, slightly embarrassed about it now. 

"It's not that good." You insisted.

"It is certainly better than what I could do. This is very impressive, (Y/n). I really do like it." You smiled at him.

"Thanks, Con." You told him. You set it back down and then you both headed out. You greeted your cats as they padded up to you. They both looked very nice now. "They did a good job this time!" You commented.

"Indeed." Connor agreed as he sat down on the couch. You walked over and joined him. you leaned on him as he turned the TV on. He blushed slightly, but you caught the smile on his face out of the corner of your eye. You cuddled up a little closer to him and he wrapped one arm around your waist. You giggled lightly. His grip tightened and you blushed slightly.

You both relaxed there for a long time. You enjoyed watching your shows together. You commented on some of the parts as it went along. Connor would add his own commentary based off of yours as well. It was nice.

Soon, you came to a more emotional part. The two main characters were alone and they both had that same look of desire in their eyes. You bit your lip as you began to think about you and Connor sharing a quick kiss. You threw caution to the wind and spoke up before you could chicken out.


"Hm?" He asked, looking down at you. You blushed.

" know...I don't think she was the only girl that wanted a kiss. Just a small one, you know?" You hinted. He chuckled. He pulled you up and bit so you both were more level with each other.

"Yes, I believe I do know." He replied before leaning in and giving you a passionate kiss. Your arms slinked around his neck and his grip on your waist grew tighter. Your cheeks glowed as you both just kept bringing your bodies closer.

You broke the kiss with a small gasp as you took in the air you needed. Connor was panting slightly too. After a few seconds, you chuckled to yourself. "What is it?" He asked.

"It's just...God, I'm such a hypocrite." 

"How so?" He asked.

"I said I was never going to let myself let anybody in again, first off. Then, I fall in love with an android who turned deviant because of me. And to add to it, you're an android! The one thing I said I would never ever care for. It just seems...unreal, I guess. It's kinda like the world is kinda throwing my old shit attitude into my face." After a second, you realized that might've come out wrong. "W-what I mean" He gave you a peck on the nose.

"I understand." You smiled at him, relieved.

"You know, I don't care if the world is trying to mock me. It gave me you and that's all I need. You're all I want." You told him, inching closer once again. 

"I can say the same to you, love." You grinned. "After all, you're the most wonderful girl in the world."

"Don't push it, Con." You warned him with a chuckled. He chuckled along.

"I'm curious just how far I can push it." He teased.

"You want to play a game?" You asked. You leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Then try me, Chief~"  He pinned you to the couch in an instant with a playful smirk. You shrieked and squirmed in his grasp, but the hold on your wrists was tight.

"You don't play fair, do you, (Y/n)." You glared at him, grinning in mischief. 

"Depends. What game are you playing?" You asked. He leaned in and captured your lips in his yet again. You melted, letting him have control. Then, you felt Connor's knee move up in between your legs. You gasped at the unexpected touch. He pulled back.

"(Y/n)? Did I hurt you? What happened? Did I do something wrong? I can stop if you-"

"N-no! No, you're fine. Just...please don't touch down there." You told him. He looked down, blushed, and nodded.

"My apologies. I had not noticed how close I was getting in that region of your body." You smiled, giggling at him softly.

"You're too innocent." He looked confused.

"How does touching you have to do with innocence?" You bit your lip hard to keep yourself from overreacting to what he accidentally just said.

"Eheh, um...that's a question for another day, okay?" You answered nervously. He looked confused.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I's nothing, Con. It's really no big deal. Let's just enjoy he rest of today. Does tht sound good?" He smiled and nodded before getting off of you.


"Yes, Connor?

"Well, I do want to enjoy the day with you, but I was curious if there was anything you'd like to do. I apologize, but I don't really want to sit and watch TV all day. It is not one of those days for me." 

"Oh, that's fine! Don't be sorry about something like that, Con. If you don't want to watch TV, that's not a big deal at all!" You reassured him. 

"Oh. Alright then. So...what would you like to do?" He asked again. You thought about it for a minute or two. Then, you grew a little nervous as you realized something.

"I think I have an idea, but...I'm not sure if it's the right time, yet."

"What is it?" Connor questioned.

"Well, since we're together now, I just kinda know, we've never really...been on a date..."

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