Chapter 146

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Cass' POV

"Nathan, it's been almost a month now. Don't you think we should ask them to take us to him? He knew our father...he...he could help us." 

"Cass, I want to know more about all of this too, but...things are peaceful, now. Should we really keep poking the bee hive like this? Especially with...what you said happened with (Y/n)." I sighed as Nathan turned me down again. I wanted to find him. He would know the most about everything that happened to us. 

"But we're so close! We could finally know the truth! Dad only told u the least possible information. I want to know why this happened!"

"And are you willing to risk everyone's safety for it!?"

"Shane is dead! There's nothing to be afraid of anymore! Besides, you know I won't let anything happen to our family!"

"And I won't let you risk your life for our family again!" He shouted. He took a few breaths before speaking again. "You've done enough for us. You took HUGE risks. We could've been found out. You snuck into the police department, you convinced Kamski to revive (Y/n), You helped Connor through his grief both with and without him knowing it! For god sake, you went into the house in the middle of the night just to check on him! You've done enough. When will this be enough for you?" He asked.

"I just want to understand why we had to become like this. Why we were targeted. Why did all of this happen? I want to know that our parents died for a reason! I want to make their sacrifices mean something! They gave their lives for us and we still end up becoming hybrids!"

"Exactly! We made it out by the skin of our teeth! That's what their deaths achieved! They died so we could live!"

"That's not why they died and you know it." He sighed again.

"Sis...we can't keep doing this. I'm sorry, but...I have somebody I have to protect. Star is everything to me and I can't drag her into this stuff again. And you shouldn't drag (Y/n) into this stuff either! She's your little sister and my twin! She has Connor and I will do anything and everything to make sure that they can live happily! You're wants are starting to come before everyone else's needs including your own!" 

I knew he was right, I was just so frustrated. Why couldn't we ask? I mean, we didn't have anything to worry about anymore! I decided I would talk to Symphony in private. They had easily been able to move in with the father of the family, but he was a very well closed-off man. Almost nobody ever saw him and I knew there was a reason for that.

"I know. You're right, it's just...I feel like I owe it not just to myself, but to all of you. I feel like...we deserve the truth and true closure." I explained. 

"I know. I want that too, but I'm just not willing to risk it anymore. We're making it by and that's all I need to be happy. You know, maybe we should try to hook you up with somebody. Maybe that's what's really bothering you. Are you jealous that (Y/n) has a man and you don't~?" He teased.

"Ew! Gross! I'm not looking for that, Nate. You know I'm not interested in meeting somebody. I have friends and I have my family. That's good enough for me."

"Oh, really~?" He kept teasing me.

"There is no way you're finding me a date. Whether it be a girl, guy, or other, I'm staying single!" I told him, crossing my arms. He shrugged.

"Whatever you say~" 

"I swear you're the weirdest brother on Earth." He shrugged.

"I'm a cyborg and I'm (Y/n)'s twin. Take a guess at why that is." He chuckled. I nodded.

"Both very good points." I laughed along. Then, I got a call. I was confused. It was the chief of police. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my change in mood.

"Hold on, bro," I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Cassandra (L/n), right?" I heard Folwer's voice.

"Yes?" I said, wondering what this was about.

"I was calling to see if your sister came to stay with you."

"Stay with me? What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, that answers my question. Still, your sister ran away earlier tonight and we're having trouble tracking her down. Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" I was shocked.

"N-no, I don't," I told him. Nate noticed my fearful expression and became worried himself.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I promise we'll find her. Thank you for your time."

"Yes, of course. Have a good night, Sir."

"Thank you, you too. Goodbye." He hung up and I turned to Nate.

"(Y/n)'s missing. She ran off and they can't find her." He looked shocked.

"What? Why!?" He exclaimed.

"I have no idea, but I have a feeling I know who might," I replied. I began to head out, but he caught my wrist.

"It's probably been a long night for everyone close to her. We should wait until morning." He suggested. I sighed, thinking about it. 

"You're probably right," I admitted.

"Come on, you can stay in our spare bedroom for tonight." Nate offered and I nodded, following after him. I'd fed my pets before coming to visit him, so they'd be fine until morning. 

I got into the bed and I thought about what I should do as I waited to make sure that everyone else was asleep. By everyone, I meant my brother and his girlfriend. Star was a light sleeper, so trying to sneak out probably wouldn't work in my favor.

I knew there was a very easy way to find (Y/n). I had secretly asked Kamski to do it. I knew it was a bit much, but...I'd asked him to give me and only me a tracker so I could always find her. Nate had the same thing. Neither of them knew about it, though. I couldn't tell them I had tags on my family. I trusted them and I knew that they could handle themselves, but I was the oldest and...I wanted them to be safe. Tomorrow, I'm going to make sure she's okay. If she doesn't want to be found, that's her choice, but I need the truth and I need to know that she's alright.

I closed my eyes and I remembered my other mission. I had to talk to Symphony. I needed to know the truth. I couldn't just stand by. It seems I really am on my own for this. With everything happening with (Y/n) and Nate being cautious...I have no other options. With that, I finally allowed myself to get some sleep.

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