Chapter 73

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Connor's POV

I woke up the next morning and realized it was Friday. It was the last day of the week before I got time off. I got the weekends off now unless there were emergency call-ins. I sighed and got up. I looked at the blanket again and I smiled a little. I didn't know how, but I think (Y/n), even if she wasn't physically here, might have done something for me about that last night. Still, my heart sank as I knew this all too well by now. She was gone and couldn't come back.

I folded the blanket and put it away. I went to the bedroom to change my clothes and then I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and make sure I looked presentable. After that, I fed the animals, played with them for a bit, and then it was time to go.

"I'll be back tonight everyone. Stay out of trouble while I'm away." I told them. The cats meowed and I shut the door behind me as I left. I got into the car and I drove myself to the Department. I walked inside and I found the others just talking together. I didn't know whether or not I wanted to join them. 

However, Hank spotted me and beckoned me over. I knew I didn't have much choice now. I walked over to them and greeted them. Collin gave me a nod, Gavin did the same, and Hank was the only one who had a verbal greeting for me.

"Mornin' Connor." 

"Good morning, Lieutenant," I replied.

"You alright, Connor? You seem a little off, son." He asked. I didn't want to tell them about my dream. I might have been more for telling Hank, but only him. I didn't exactly trust Gavin completely yet and I had only just met Collin.

"I'm alright. I just had a long night, that's all." I replied, praying that Collin couldn't tell I was lying or wouldn't say anything if he did know.

"Okay then. Well, we got another report. It's closer to New Jericho. Luckily, the android was able to be revived. He's at New Jericho right now and Markus said we could come and talk to him when we were ready." Hank explained. I nodded.

"Alright. Then we should get going." Gavin groaned.

"Damn it! I'm comfortable!" He complained.

"Detective, I believe it would be easier for you to move instead of the alternative option," Collin said.

"Alternative option?" He asked.

"Either you get up or I will have to resort to carrying you." Gavin laughed.

"Yeah right!" Collin walked over to him and threw him over his shoulder with ease.

"HEY! PUT ME DOWN, DIPSHIT!" He yelled slamming his fists into Collin's back, but it did nothing. Everyone was looking at the two now. I saw that they were all trying their hardest not to laugh.

"That's the way to do it!" Chris said, breaking his composure. Everyone else started laughing too. I chuckled as well.

"I hate all of you!" Gavin shouted. Collin set Gavin down and Gavin stormed out ahead of us.

"And I thought it was impossible to get him off his ass," Hank commented with a grin.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant, I thought the same thing about you for a while."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go." Hank said and we left, going to catch up to Gavin. He was waiting by the car.  Gavin refused to sit by Collin or me, so we were forced to sit in the back together. Collin honestly did kind of unsettle me at times. It was so strange seeing another RK-series model around who was so different yet exactly the same at the same time. I didn't know how I felt about him.

Soon, we arrived at New Jericho. We all got out and headed inside. I instantly spotted some of my friends. I saw Nate and Cass. They were with Star. They spotted me and hurried over.

"Connor!" They all greeted me and I gave them a small smile.

 "How are you doing, buddy?" Nate asked, scratching the back of his neck, clearly nervous about the question. 

"I'm fine." I lied straight through my teeth. I hated lying to them, but every time it was brought up was another fresh stab to the heart.

"Why are you all here?" Cass asked.

"We wanted to come and talk to an android that was attacked near here," Hank said as the other three came up beside me.

"Who are they?" Star asked.

"Oh, these are a few of my fellow officers. This is Collin, he's new. That's Detective Gavin Reed, and then this is Lieutenant Hank Anderson, my partner, and my father figure." I replied. They smiled.

"Nice to meet you!" Cass said. "I'm Cass and this is my brother, Nate." She introduced.

"I'm Stardust, but you can call me Star," Stardust added. 

"And I'm Markus." We turned as Markus came up to us. "It's nice to meet you, even though I already knew you, Connor." I nodded to him. "Strange though. You're another RK-series?" He asked.

"Yes. My name is Collin. I'm the RK900 model." He replied.

"Kamski must've decided on that on his own. Well, nothing concerning. You're one of us and you're welcome here if you ever need a place to go. Now, come on. Andrew is this way." He guided us to the android we were looking for. I saw that he had blond hair and green eyes. "Andrew, this is the team I told you about. Meet Connor, Hank, Collin, and Gavin." He looked at us and nodded. He seemed distant, but I couldn't blame him.

"We wanted to ask you a few questions about what happened," Hank said. He nodded. 


"Can you tell us what happened? How much of it can you recall?" I asked.

"I was heading back here to call it a night, but I was jumped. I remember there being either 4 or 5 people there. One of them was giving orders to them. I didn't see their face, but it sounded like a woman." 

"A woman?" Gavin asked. "You tellin' me a girl has been behind this?"

"Let him talk," Hank told him. "Go on." Andrew nodded.

"I had sent a signal to the Department and the first responders arrived before they could damage me enough to kill me. I don't know anything else from that, but I did grab this." He pulled a little flash drive out of his pocket. "I don't know what it is, but one of the smaller guys dropped it. I was able to grab it to keep it safe." I took it and examined it.

"It's only a little scratched. It should work fine." I explained.

"Thank you for your time, Andrew." He nodded.

"Please find them soon. None of us are safe anymore." 

"Tell us about it," Gavin mumbled, earning an elbow to the gut from Hank.

"If you have anything else to tell us at any time, feel free to come in and report it," Hank told him and we began to leave.

"Connor?" I turned. "I'm sorry about (Y/n). I don't know either of you, but I understand how much that hurts. I lost my little sister and my girlfriend during the attack on Jericho." My eyes widened. 

"I'm...sorry." I didn't know what else to say. He gave me a shy smile.

"It's alright. It wasn't your fault. Neither of them were. You can get through it too." I looked away from him, feeling my discouragement and grief kick in again.

"Have a good rest of the day, Andrew," I said and left, hurrying to catch up to the others. How can they say it's going to be okay? How can they say that when nobody will ever get to see her again? Nothing is just keeps getting worse.

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