Chapter 60

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You and Connor were on your way to the crime scene Fowler had just assigned the three of you to. You'd called Hank and told him what was going on. He said he'd meet you both at the scene as soon as possible. 

You and Connor arrived at the now closed off alleyway and you parked your car before getting out and going over to Ben. Connor followed after you. Ben came toward you both as you arrived.

"(Y/n), Connor," Ben acknowledged. "we found an android as the victim of an attack out here. With the laws in place, you both know what it means. Come on." He said and lead the way across the digital tape and over to the android. You saw it was a male android. He had collapsed on his side, clearly thrown into the wall by somebody before shutting down thanks to the amount of damage he had. He had dirty blond hair and green eyes. You could see all of the blue blood everywhere. It was unsettling. He'd clearly been shown no mercy.

"We don't know how long he's been here, but we found a key chain on the ground not too far away and we noticed it had blue blood on it. We haven't been here long, so we haven't found much aside from that." 

"Thanks, Ben. We'll look around." As you spoke, Hank arrived.

"What did I miss?" He asked.

"Not much. Come on." You told him and the three of you looked around. You turned to Connor. "Hey, think you can scan him to see what you can find out?" You asked. He nodded. He scanned the android and you saw Connor's LED spinning yellow for a moment.

"He's a WR300 model. He's about 3 years old from when he was built. He's sustained damage to almost all of his vital biocomponents. He's unrecoverable. The damage to his head is too great for us to fix without resetting his memory." Connor told you.

"Thanks, Connor. Hank, look around. See if we're missing anything. Who knows, we might have a weapon somewhere around here." You said.

"Sure thing." He replied. You went over to the keychain.

"Hey, Connor!" He came over. "You see any DNA on this?" He scanned it. "Yes, but I have no matches to it. From what I can tell, it belongs to a man in his 30's. That's all I have that's useful. I'll scan criminal records and networks to see if there are any DNA matches." 

"Okay. Thank you." You said.

"Just doing my job." He replied. You chuckled.

"I know, doofus." You told him. 

"Hey! I found somethin'!" Hank called. You both hurried over. There was a bat covered in blue blood in the dumpster.

"Well, we found the weapon." You said. 

"The android was caught by surprise. It was an ambush." Connor said. You both looked at him.

"Wait, was there more than one person?" You asked.

"No, but I have faint dirty footprints on the ground. Size 11 boots in men's. From the looks of it, he had been followed into the alley from down the block." Connor said as he scanned the ground and out of the other end of the alley. 

"Wait...can you track them out of here?" You asked. Connor kept scanning. 

"I can see where the tracks lead." He said. 

"Let's go," Hank said. Connor led the way, but the trail cut off. Connor told you that they must've gotten into a car and driven off. You were frustrated, but you told Connor that it was all you could do for now. You all went back and told Ben to clean up the area and bring in the key chain and bat for closer inspection. You also told them to look for anything else that could be useful and see if there were any witnesses to the incident. He said he'd get on it and you thanked him. 

You, Connor, and Hank headed back to the station with what you had. You all sat down to see if you could come up with anything that might help you all figure it out. You had a pretty good idea why this had happened.

"Guys, I feel like we should tell Markus about this." You said as you all were talking.

"What? Why?"

"Well, he is the leader of the androids first off, and we don't know if this is the only attack that's going to happen." You said.

"Attack? (Y/n), this was probably just a brawl gone bad." Hank said. Connor thought about it. 

"I don't think so, Hank. Those injuries...those were serious. Whoever did that was going to kill them. Plus we found the bat." Connor pointed out.

"So you guys are thinkin' this is some sort of anti-android act?" Hank asked.

"This happened so fast and so suddenly, Hank. This isn't over. I can feel it." You said. Connor nodded in agreement. 

"Alright, so what do you want to do about it?"

"We don't have enough to catch this guy yet, but we should tell Markus to alert people and make sure that they're aware of this. We can't risk lives by keeping this quiet." You told them. "Plus, what if this guy is more armed than we think? Ever thought about what could happen at New Jericho?" You said. They both looked alarmed now, looking at each other with worry and concern.

"Let's go then. The sooner we tell Markus, the better." Connor said.

"I'm with you on that. Come on, you two." Hank said. The three of you set out to warn Markus. You hoped he'd be prepared for something like this. You should've thought about things like this happening. You wondered why you didn't think of it before. Obviously, people would be angry with androids. Something was bound to happen. Well, let's just keep it from happening again. you told yourself, but something else was telling you that this was nowhere near over. Not by a long shot.

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