Chapter 130

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Connor's POV

We'd been searching for anything on the three teens for days. The school didn't have any record of where they lived. They'd always been brought and taken from school by anything but a bus. We needed to find out more about them. 

Collin and Hank had gone to talk to the local authorities for the day to see if they had anything, but I had decided to go alone back to the school. I'd called and they'd said it was fine. I got changed into clothes that were more casual so I wouldn't raise any alarms in any of the kids at the school. I wanted to blend in a bit more. I also was able to get something to cover up my LED. After that, I left for the school. 

I was greeted by the principle again and he gave me a listing of what teachers had what hour off and he also gave me teacher access into the computers in the library and any of the computer labs. I thanked him and he let me go freely with my visitor pass. 

I went to one of the two gyms they had first. I wanted to see if the boy was in any of the sports the school offered. When I got there, I saw that there was a class in session. I stayed up on the staircase that was next to the main door overlooking what was going on. It was a dodgeball game. 

Once the class was dismissed to go change back into their regular clothes, I went down to speak to the teacher leading the class. He saw me coming and he noticed my visitor pass. He smiled and held out his hand for me to shake. I obliged, returning the smile. 

"Hello, Sir. Can I help you with anything?"

"Um, yes. My name is Connor Anderson. I was wondering about a certain male student and if you knew if he was in any sports here."

"Which student?"

"Aryan Nickle." He looked surprised, but he nodded.

"Yeah, he's been in almost every sport. Swimming and Basketball are his best. Is that all?"

"Is he in any of your classes currently?"

"Oh, no. Seniors and Juniors don't have gym class. Only Freshmen and Sophomore classes take gym units." I frowned.

"Thank you, Sir." He smiled.

"Sure thing!" I left and I wondered if the girls had partaken in the choir. The school had choir and band activities. I went to the choir room next. The class was almost over, but I made it inside while they were singing one of their songs. I saw the choir teacher in front of the carpeted riser like seating area where all of the students were. She was there with the piano, playing the song and singing along. She noticed me and gave me a smile, but she kept singing with the students. The song was over soon enough and she let them get their bags early. She walked over to me.

"Hello! Can I help you?" 

"I was wondering about two senior girls. I wanted to know if they were in any of your choirs." 

"Which girls?" 

"Zadria and Jazlyn Nickle." At the mention of their names, I heard the room grow quieter. 

"Oh, yes, they're in all of my older choirs. They've earned many school awards in the music department, actually."

"Yeah, that family has done everything!" I turned as one of the girl students spoke up.

"Marlyn, please don't interrupt-"

"No, no, it's fine. What...what else do you know about them?" I asked.

"That's the thing, everybody knows everything yet hardly anything about them." A boy spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

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