Chapter 54

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You both made it home and you went to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat. Connor made sure all of your winter wear was properly put away. You smiled a little. Then, you noticed that he was still in his uniform. You frowned. Doesn't he want to wear anything else? You thought about it and got an idea. 

"Hey, Connor?" He looked up from petting Resinilly and Jackson who were padding around him while meowing for attention.

"Yes, (Y/n)?"

"I have an idea where we can go after lunch." You said.

"You want to go out again?"

"I don't want to be lazy today. It gets old, believe me." You muttered the last part. "Besides, it's good for me and we've got nothing better to do." 

"Alright. I'd be happy to accompany you." He replied. You smiled and sat down to eat your food. After a few minutes, got put the dishes away and you got dressed up again to go out.

You led the way to an outdoor shopping mall. Connor looked around, confused. You weren't going to tell him what you had planned yet. "Where are we going?" You grinned at him.

"You'll see." You replied. Soon enough, you made it to the store you were looking for. You led him inside. It was dark and abandoned. Clothes hung up on racks and were folded neatly on shelves. Some of the clothing items had fallen off their hangers and were sprawled out on the floor, but the place was pretty clean aside from that. Connor looked concerned as he followed you.

"(Y/n), we should not be here." 

"You worry too much, Connor. This trip was for you, you know."

"What? For me?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied. He looked around, and then it clicked with him.

"You brought me to a clothing store to-"

"To get you out of that suit." You finished for him. "You don't need that anymore. Come on. You gotta get a better outfit."

"But that would be stealing, (Y/n)."

"Are the cameras still active in this place?" You asked. He scanned the system for a moment.

"No." He replied.

"Then nobody will know. If it'll make you happy, I'll leave the money on the counter, but you need something else." He sighed.

"I don't need anything else." You raised your eyebrows at him. "But if you insist." 

"Come on, let's look around." Connor followed you around and you helped him pick out some things. You got him some hoodies and other more comfortable clothes along with some more casual things and then some other outfits that would be okay for him to wear to work once everyone came back into the city. He did have some preferences and you were glad that he actually had some ideas of what he liked.

Pretty soon, you had plenty of things for him and the two of you left with everything in three different bags. You left the money on the counter as you'd promised and the two of you made it home soon enough. 

When you got home, you insisted you see him in one of the outfits you'd picked out. He went into the bathroom to change and you waited on the couch. He came out moments later in jeans and a deep blue t-shirt with a grey zip-up hoodie over top of it. He looked unsure of himself as he came out. 

"I-I don't know, (Y/n). This doesn't feel like me." He said. You sighed.

"Connor, you look great." He looked up at you.

"I do?" He asked. You smiled and nodded.

"You aren't a machine anymore. It's time you think for yourself." You told him. He smiled gratefully at you. 

"Thank you." You chuckled.

"You're welcome. Now, come on. Let's watch a movie." He nodded in agreement and you both sat down on the couch together. After about ten minutes of watching the movie you'd picked out, you scooted over and cuddled up to Connor. He was a little surprised, but he wrapped one arm around you after a few moments of hesitation. You stayed next to him, letting yourself relax next to him. You smiled a little as you both relaxed together. At the end of the day, after going around and doing all the things you'd wanted to, some time together might have been really all the mattered.

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