Chapter 101

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"Is she going to be alright?" You could hear the sound of muffled voices and a heart monitor beeping in the background. 

"She will be fine. It only put her into what we call a temporary stasis. She honestly had minor damage. The shock was just enough to cause her systems to glitch out, prompting a shutdown to prevent further damage." You let out a small groan. Your memory flashed before you. You saw Connor being pulled away. Connor... 

"Hey, she's waking up!" You could see the fear in his eyes as he was taken. "(Y/n)!" You shifted, not wanting to watch it happen again.



"What the fuck is she talking about?"

"Quiet, both of you! She might still remember what happened!" 

"(Y/n), can you hear us? Come on, you've gotta get up! Wake up!" You could hear Connor calling out to you again. "(Y/N)!" Your eyes shot open. 

"Connor!" You were instantly up. You saw Hank and Gavin there. You were at Kamski's again.

"Whoa! Take it easy! You need to calm down." Hank said.

"No, let her speak. What about Connor?" Kamski asked. You were panicked now.

"It was them! T-they took him! They kidnapped Connor!"

"What? Who!?" Hank asked, now more alert. It was clear he was worried about his adoptive son and you couldn't blame him.

"The ones that attacked us! They shot him with some dart that contained a virus. It was able to cause him to malfunction just long enough for them to take him." You explained. Gavin looked concerned now, but he also seemed distracted. Hank kept asking you questions as Gavin pulled out his phone.

"Did you see which direction they headed?"

"They did a u-turn and went back the way the came, but...everything is fuzzy after that. I shut down shortly after they got away." Gavin raised his phone to his ear and he began to look anxious. You paid no mind to it for the moment.

"Shit, what are we going to do now?" Hank asked.

"Perhaps Collin can connect with him and get a signal for his location." Kamski offered his own idea.

"Fuck it!" Gavin cursed suddenly, glaring at his phone as he took it away from his ear.

"What?" You asked.

"Collin isn't answering either. He left earlier to go get something I left at the station, but I hadn't thought about how long he'd been gone. It's been about 2 hours now."

"That's around when Connor and I left for the evening." You said. Gavin looked worried now and so did Hank.

"(Y/n), did they try to take you as well?" You thought about it.

"It seemed like they were going to, but they shocked me after I started to fight back. They just left me there."

"They probably figured you weren't going to survive the high amount of voltage that had been admitted into your systems." Elijah guessed. You nodded, knowing that made the most sense.

"But why would they just take you three?" Gavin asked. You thought about it.

"Because we're the androids. We're the greater threat." You concluded. 

"So you're saying they wanted you three because they knew that you were getting closer to them?" Hank said.

"Exactly. They knew that we were getting closer when we found the warehouse. They couldn't take any chances, so they waited until we were all off our guard. They waited until we were alone and then made a move."

"But...if you're still fine...then...can't we track them?" Gavin asked.

"I could try, but if Connor and Collin are both powered down, they won't be able to send me a signal." 

"Well, it certainly is worth a try," Elijah said. 

"Right." you sent out the signal, letting it search for either of them. You waited for a minute. It came back with nothing. You frowned. "Nothing." 

"Then we have to do things the old fashioned way. Let's go to where we found you and see what we can find." Hank said.

"There'll have to be some cameras somewhere. Maybe we can have (Y/n) tune into those and see what she can find?" Gavin offered.

"Good thinkin', Reed." Hank complimented. 

"Let's go. We don't have time to just stand here." You told them.

"You aren't going anywhere without us." You all saw two more people come into the room.

"You aren't the only one that knows their way around a scene, sis," Nate said. Cass nodded. Your family hadn't exactly all wanted to be cops, but since you had wanted to be one and your father had been one, everyone knew the basic tricks. You smiled.

"Thank you, guys." You told them.

"Hey, what's a family for? Now come on! Let's go!" Nate said. You all hurried off. Hank thanked Kamski for fixing you so fast and then you all headed to where they found you and Connor had been taken.

Once you got there, you all looked around. You walked over to where Connor had gotten hit. You scanned the area. After finding a few key clues, you pieced it together.

Scene Analysis: Attackers had been using the houses as cover

You nodded to yourself and went over to where you had been shocked. The grass was slightly burned as well. The shock must've been pretty powerful. You scanned again.

Voltage measurement: 150 Amps 

You shivered at the thought of it. That could've killed me much faster if he hadn't pulled it away from me. You pushed it aside. But it didn't and now I have a job to do. I have to find them.

"(Y/n)! Over here!" You turned as you heard your brother. You all hurried over to him. 

"What is it?" You asked.

"There are some skid marks here. Are these from the same van that took him?" Nate asked. You scanned the marks.

Skid Marks: Belong to a 2023 Volkswagen Transporter. 

Time made: 47 minutes and 23 seconds ago. 

"Yes. This is it." You replied.

"Do you remember what the van looked like?" Cass asked.

"It was black and my scans say it was 2023 Volkswagen Transporter." You described. 

"Well, at least we know what we're looking for," Hank said.

"Yeah, but we haven't got a license plate." Gavin pointed out. You looked around. There were a few cameras scattered on the lamp posts. There was one on the post right above you. You hacked into it. You played through the footage. You paused it as the van began to leave, giving you a good angle on the plate.

"I got it." You said.

"What? How?" 

"The cameras, like you said. There's one right above us." You explained, pointing it out.

"Nice work, (Y/n)," Hank told you.

"Let's pat ourselves on the back later. Right now, we need to focus." Gavin said.

"Right. So, what does it say?" Cass asked you.

"R.C.U. W.S.F." You replied. They all looked confused by this, but they nodded.

"Patch it into the station. We'll have people looking for it right away." Hank said. You did as he told and you hoped that it would help.

"What now?" Gavin asked.

"We wait. That's all we can do."

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