Chapter 36

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Connor's POV

I opened my eyes. Darkness greeted me. Nothing was around me. It was freezing, but I saw a glimmer above me. I was about to swim up to it, but a blast knocked me around underwater, sending me tumbling. I was sent deeper into the darkness instead. I looked around, a hint of fear creeping into my body. I didn't need to breathe, but with the water's temperature being so low it was dangerous to stay submerged for so long. I swam upward again. My head burst through the surface and I tried to get my bearings, but my eyes still needed to adjust after being underwater for so long. 

Suddenly, I was back under the water. I felt my clothes getting heavy and it was harder to swim. I suddenly felt something tug on my arm. I looked over, seeing a darkened and blurry figure beside me. I surface again as I was rescued. They helped me drag myself onto the shore. I collapsed, trying to regain some of my energy. I looked over after a moment and noticed Cass laying next to me. She was panting too. She looked over at me.

"You good?" She asked, still a little breathless. I nodded.

"Yes. I'll be alright." She sat up and then she got on her feet. She offered me her hand.

"Come on. We better get moving. They'll be searching these areas soon enough." I took her hand and she helped me up. Markus came over to us.

"Are you both alright?" He asked.

"No damage done, Markus," Cass replied.

"Good." He replied. He sent out a message. "Everyone, go to the abandoned church not far from here. We'll all meet up and take shelter there." He turned to us. "Follow me." We nodded and he led the way to the church. 

Once we'd made it to the church, we waited for everyone else to arrive. Cass waited with a worried look on her face. I wondered if she had somebody specific she was waiting for. I walked up to her. It was at this point, I was able to finally take a moment to study her features. She had lightly tanned skin with light brown hair mixed with a golden blond. It was a very unique hair color. It was like she had two hair colors mashed into one. It looked nice though. Her eyes were a vibrant greenish blue. I had to admit, she was very pretty.

"Is there somebody you're looking for?" I asked. She turned, realizing I was there. She looked away with a sigh a moment later.

"My brother. First he got separated from us and I went to look for him and Martha, but then I got lost. I found you all instead." She explained. I nodded. She kept waiting, but then a group of android came in that made her eyes light up. She ran over to them and hugged the android I assumed was her brother. He chuckled and hugged back.

It was what happened after the hug that made me frown. Her brother broke away and turned to a different girl that had come with their group. He'd kissed her and that was what made me feel...sad. I turned away, leaving Cass to her family and friends, and I went over to my own secluded corner to think.

I stood there alone. I honestly didn't want to talk to anyone. The rest of the Jericho survivors arrived as we all waited. I had nobody to wait for, so I stayed in my corner. As I stood by myself, my thoughts drifted back to (Y/n). All of this must've been all over the news by now. Did she know what was going on?

As I thought about her, I realized how much I actually cared about her. I finally understood why I'd had those feelings before. I wanted to run to her house and tell her that I was sorry for being such an idiot, but I couldn't. It was too dangerous for all androids to be out on the street. I couldn't risk it, no matter how much I wanted to. 

I thought about everything we'd been through. All the choices I'd made seemed to line up. I cared about her and Hank more than I had wanted to accept until then. I wanted to tell both of them I was sorry for not realizing it, but it'd have to wait. With luck, we'd get out of this alive and I'd be able to tell them. Now all I had to do was hope that I actually had luck. So far it seemed to be with me, but that didn't mean I was going to stay lucky. It seemed time was running out for everyone. 

Suddenly, Cass came over. I didn't notice her at first, but when she cleared her throat I looked up. She gave me a smile.

"You alright, Connor?"

"It's my fault the humans attacked Jericho. I didn't mean to lead them there. I didn't know what I was doing." She gave me a smile as she began to understand.

"Hey, some things nobody can control. It wasn't your fault. Like you said, you didn't know what you were doing. If you don't know, how can you know how to prevent it?" I thought about it. She did have a point.

"I suppose you're right." She smiled.

"It'll be alright, Connor." She told me.

"But what if we fail? I will never get to tell them that I was wrong." I said. 

"Them?" She asked.

"My partners. I'm a detective android. My two human partners were right. I was on the wrong side. I have to see them again." I said.

"You will. I know it. We'll get through this. I'm sure of it, Connor." She reassured me.

"You are?" I asked.

"Well, you know, somebody once told me that worry is just another form of torture. If you fail, you'll just be suffering twice. It's why I've learned to do my best to have faith. I know that everyone gets worried, but we always have to try our hardest. Isn't that what gets us through in the end?" I thought about it.

"I will try my best to follow your advice. You have very good advice." I told her. She shrugged.

"You didn't hear it from me." She chuckled. I smiled a little at her.

"Thank you, Cass." She smiled at me before heading off.

Soon enough, Markus came over to me. I didn't want to face him, guilty for leading the humans to Jericho. Still, I spoke up, knowing I didn't have much of a choice.

"It's my fault...the humans managed to locate Jericho. I was stupid. I should've guessed they were using me." I said. "I'm sorry Markus. I can understand if you decide not to trust me." 

"You're one of us now. Your place is with your people." Markus said. I was relieved that he still trusted me. He began to walk away, but I had an idea.

"There are thousands of androids at the Cyberlife assembly plant. If we can wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance in power." He turned.

"You wanna infiltrate the Cyberlife Tower? Connor, that's suicide." Markus said. 

"They trust me, they'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating Cyberlife, it's me." I replied.

"If you go there, they will kill you," He warned me.

"There's a high probability, but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place," I said. Markus looked unsure, but he nodded after a moment.

"Be careful." I nodded in reply and he left. I knew that I had to plan out what I was going to do. As I was planning, Markus explained his own plan to the other androids. I left while he was talking. I had to move and I had to move fast. Time to put my uniform back on. I know I can do this right.

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