Chapter 129

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It was the first night you were going to be staying with Cass and her friends. It had been only a few days since the incident with Gavin. You almost wanted to talk to your sister about it, but you decided against it. The fewer people that knew, the better.

You got all of the cats into the special carrier you'd gotten for them. The kittens bawled, but you hushed them and Resinilly helped them relax as well. The last time you'd done this had been when you'd taken them to the vet to go through everything knew kittens would need. You took them out to your car and put them in the passenger seat. You left the window open so they had fresh air.

After the cats were ready to go, you got your bag and put it on the back seats. You climbed into the car and started it up. You still had a sinking feeling in your gut. You and Gavin hadn't really talked all that much except for at work. You hoped that this would help. Only one way to find out. 

You pulled out and began to make your way to New Jericho. You were honestly excited to see everyone again. You'd missed them and you'd come to realize you actually didn't know the others as well as you would've liked.

Once you'd made it to New Jericho, you contacted your sister and the entire group was out to greet you within a minute. Cass took the cats and Ryker offered to take your bag. You told him that you had it under control and you followed them in. 

Cass led you to her room and you were surprised by how much space she had. You placed your bag on the bed in the guest bedroom and you asked Cass to put the cats in there too. You wanted them to stay in her living space at all times. New Jericho was a big place now and it would be dangerous if any of them got out. You didn't want to risk it.

"So, we heard Connor's off on a mission! Have you talked to him a lot?" Joey asked. You grew a little nervous at the mention of Connor. The two of you actually hadn't spoken since he'd called to tell you they'd arrived safely.

"No, he's been busy. Besides, I'm sure if he wanted to, he'd call." You took a minute to think about what you'd just said. Why...why HASN'T he called me again? You pushed it aside and got comfortable in the room. 

"I guess that makes sense." Neera agreed.

"So, what have you and your other friend been up to? Gavin, right?" What is with all the uncomfortable questions!?

"Not much. We've just been hanging out around the station. There have been a few calls that we needed to go check out, but nothing serious." You explained.

"That's good. I know it's probably a bit boring, but at least that means that nothing serious is happening, right?" Cynthia added. The others nodded in agreement. 

"What's been going on with all of you?" You asked, getting the topic off of yourself.

"Martha's shop has been doing really well!" Joey exclaimed happily.

"And Cynthia and Joey have been doing very well with making music on Youtube," Neera added. You smiled.

"That's awesome!" 

"Joey's thinking of trying the gaming aspects too. I'd be in a few of his videos, but I'm more of a music girl." Cynthia explained. You nodded.

"Well, good for you guys!" You told them. 

"I don't know if I really want to talk all night. Who wants to have some fun?" Cass asked. You all said yes and she instantly got her games ready. 

You all had fun just hanging out, having snacks, and playing games. Cynthia had been right, Joey was great at games and his commentary would surely entertain a lot of people. You laughed along as you watched it all take place. Martha had been surrounded by the cats all night. She was surprisingly good with animals.

Once everyone had decided to call it a night, you said goodbye to each of them and they told you that they'd see you in the morning. Cass had also told you that Markus was going to come by in the morning. You didn't mind. It would be nice seeing him again. 

You were getting ready for bed when you suddenly got a call. You answered it as you usually did, but you weren't prepared for who was on the other end. 


"Hey, (Y/n)." You froze, your blood turning into ice for a moment.

"Connor! I-I was wondering when you were going to call again!" You said, trying to hide your shock and fear.

"Sorry I wasn't able to contact you sooner. I wanted to speak with you since we finally have an intriguing lead."

"You do? That's great! You're gonna beat Folwer's expectations if you solve it that fast." You told him, beginning to relax. Still, the fear had been replaced with guilt. Just knowing that he had no idea what had happened was crushing you.

"We've found some young adults still in school. They seemed nervous when they noticed us and the technology I saw that they had was advanced. We think that their parents may have been somehow involved with Shane. It's proving difficult to find them though. The school has no records of where they live and we haven't had a chance to investigate any further on the school grounds." 

"I'm sure you'll figure something out soon. You always do." You reassured him while changing into you PJ's. 

"Thank you, (Y/n). I hope you're right. Anyway, how have you been doing?" Just the sincerity in his voice made you want to hang up to you could cry out of the shame that was overwhelming you.

"Not much has been happening here. I'm staying at New Jericho for a bit. I wanted to get to know everyone a bit better since we didn't exactly meet on the happiest of terms." You explained.

"That sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy yourself. They really are a great group." You chuckled lightly to yourself at his response.

"Yeah, I already figured that out." You told him. There was a pause.

"Are you feeling alright?" You could've sworn your heart had stopped. "You just seem a little...gloomy. Is something wrong?" You bit your lip.

"It's just been a long night. I'm pretty tired of all of the excitement." It's not a lie, it's not a lie. You repeated to yourself. 

"Oh, am I calling at a bad time then? You should get some rest."

"No, no! It''s fine." You told him. You frowned for a moment. "I...I wish you were here." 

"I wish I was with you too, but it won't be long. I promise." You nodded.

"I know. You don't have to promise anything, Connor." 

"You sound very tired. I should really let you get some rest. Goodnight, (Y/n)." You acted without thinking.


"Yes?" You paused, the words caught in your throat.

"I...I love you. You know that, right?" 

"Of course I know that. How could I forget?"

"Connor...I...I just..." 

"I understand. I miss you too. Trust me, it'll pass before you know it. I love you, (Y/n)." You closed your eyes, holding back the tears.

"I-I love you too. I really do." You heard him chuckle.

"I know. I wish a could kiss you goodnight, but this is all I can do for now. Sending all my love." He said with a playful tone. You smiled slightly.

"Love received, you doofus."

"Goodnight, sweetheart." 

"Night, Con." He hung up and the tears finally started to fall. God...what have I done?

"What happened, (Y/n)?" You whipped around as you heard your sister. She looked concerned saddened. "What did you do?" The tears came harder as you hugged yourself to get any sort of comfort you could. You couldn't keep it inside anymore.

"I...I made the biggest mistake of my life..."

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