Chapter 165

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You chuckled at Gavin's shock as he came over to you and Connor. Connor knew not to say anything. After all, there was also a lot you and Gavin needed to talk over as well.

Then, you noticed the guilt flash across his face for a moment. You frowned, but both of you knew not to show it in front of your co-workers. You weren't ready for the drama of it all to be spilled and neither of you was actually sure you ever wanted to share what had actually happened.

"What? Did you miss me, Reed? Tired of having coffee by yourself or something? I thought you liked the quiet." You teased, trying to lighten the mood. It was also a hint as to where you could talk a bit more privately. He seemed to get the idea.

"Tch, yeah whatever. I was just getting used to being able to go through the day without watching you and Connor always falling over each other." He retorted. Connor smiled a bit. Now that he knew what Gavin was trying to hide, you had predicted him to be more forgiving about his comments. 

"I suppose I can accept that as a welcome back." You teased. He huffed and left. Hank stepped in.

"Ignore him, we're all glad to see that you're okay. Especially after hearing about..." He paused. You nodded.

"Yeah, it's alright." You remembered that you didn't know what Hank did and did not know. How much would Connor have told him? You glanced at Connor and he seemed to read your mind.

"I didn't tell him the baby was Gavin's. Only a select few know it was a baby and only, you, Gavin, Collin, everyone you told, and then myself know that it was Gavin's child. The ones that knew it was a baby assumed it was mine. I haven't corrected them yet. I avoided it by saying it was difficult to talk about." He explained. 

"Thank you. I'll handle it all, but let's keep it on the down-low for now. I'll tell Hank and we'll go from there." He gave you a small nod and you went back to focusing on Hank.

"(Y/n), why were you gone for so long?" Tina asked. You didn't know tina too well. Gavin knew a bit more about her than you did.

"It's complicated, but what's important is that I'm back. I don't plan on going anywhere again. Sorry for worrying all of you. I guess with everything that's changed, I've gained a tendency to do that no matter what I do." 

"Heh, no doubt about that." Ben cut in. 

"Alright, alright! Give the girl some space. Back to work people." You smiled as Jeffery came over.

"Hello, Sir." He nodded and offered his hand.

"Lieutenant, (L/n)." He greeted. "Good to have you back. I do hope the cut in pay while you were away wasn't a problem." 

"Oh, no, not at all. I understand. I wasn't using any of my cards anyway." You admitted.

"Well, I would say I hope this is the last time you go MIA, but with you, I have a feeling it won't be." You gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Jeffery." He smiled back.

"It's alright. You've been through a lot. But I'm taking some of that out of your vacation days." You chuckled.

"No problem." You replied. He nodded and went back to his office. You began to walk over to your desk with Connor and Hank, but you spotted Gavin sitting in the Cafe, clearly waiting for you. You smiled slightly.

"I'll join you guys in a few minutes, okay?"

"Alright," Connor replied. Hank, however, was more reluctant.

"Why do you even want to talk to that asshole?" You shot him a look.

"Hank, you always forget that I actually get along with 'that asshole'." He sighed.

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