Chapter 46

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You both made it home and you hung up your jacket and took off your shoes as Connor closed the door behind both of you. You stood up and you went to get something to eat. Before you could get far, Connor grabbed your arm gently.

"Hold on, I want to check your wound." You sighed.

"Connor, it's fine. It's really not that bad." You told him.

"I'm afraid Gavin isn't exactly a doctor." He said. You sighed, knowing you wouldn't win this. You gave in and walked over to the couch. You sat down and Connor pulled the coffee table back before kneeling down in front of you. "How come your shirt got ripped like this?" Connor asked.

"Gavin did it. I didn't want him to see me without a shirt on, so we came to a compromise." You explained. Connor nodded. He carefully unwrapped the bandages and his eyes instantly darted over to your side. He reached out and gently brushed over it with his thumb. You flinched at the touch, still wary of him getting to close.

"You were lucky." He spoke up suddenly.

"What?" You asked. 

"RK800 models have very good aim. If it had been even half an inch over, you wouldn't have gotten to Gavin's in time. It would've killed you." He said. Your eyes widened. 

"But...people can survive gunshot wounds in that area, right?"

"Gavin wouldn't have been able to stop the bleeding or give you the care you needed. While you could've survived if an ambulance even actually came let alone got there fast enough, your chances would've been very low. The shot would've killed you." He repeated. You were bewildered at how close you'd come to death without even knowing it. The realization hit you harder than expected and you got a little dizzy. Connor noticed immediately and he quickly helped steady you. "(Y/n)?" He asked, his chocolate browns eyes filled with concern. 

"I-I'm okay." You assured. He wasn't buying it. He laid you down and continued to examine your wound. 

"It's already starting to heal, which is good, but it's going to scar." He told you. You sighed.

"Like that matters for me." You said. He sighed. 

"I'll get you something to eat and drink. Just rest here. I'll be back in a few minutes." He said while grabbing a blanket and covering you up. He turned on the TV for you and played one of the movies you had saved to your 'Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks' folder. You relaxed as he went to get something for you. 

Soon enough, he came back with some tea and a sandwich. You smiled a little. You sat up and he set the cup down on the table before handing you the plate. You took it and began to eat. Your stomach growled for more. You forced yourself to go slow, knowing you'd regret it if you listened to its demands. Connor sat their patiently as you ate. It made you a little uncomfortable.

"You do know it's weird when you watch me eat, right?" You asked. He looked a little surprised, but then he looked away, embarrassed.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." He said. You sighed. 

"It's okay, Connor. I understand." You replied. "Let's just watch the movie, okay?" He nodded with a soft smile. You finished your food soon afterward and you both watched the movie in silence together. Well, you tried to until your cats came running to greet you. You held and pet both of them as they hopped around happily. 

You enjoyed their excitement until Jackson stepped on your side. You cried out in pain as he aggravated the wound. He quickly hopped off of you and Connor reached out to help, his eyes filled with worry.


"I-I'm alright. H-he just stepped on it. I-It's fine." You replied. Connor frowned. He got up and went to the bathroom. You wondered what he was doing as you regained your breath. He came back moments later with some pills. He gave them to you and handed you your tea. "What are-"

"Pain killers." He replied. You sighed. 

"Connor, I'm fine I don't need pain killers." You said.

"They'll help you rest too." He said. "Just take them." You huffed, but you popped them in and used your tea to help swallow them. You then leaned back on the couch and kept watching the movie in silence once more. Connor said nothing for a bit. You soon started feeling tired. He looked over as your eyes began to droop. He laid you down and covered you up, turning off the TV. You understood what he'd done.

"W..what did you give me?" He looked at you.

"Your tea was nighttime tea. You have to rest. You'll only make it worse." You tried to sit up.

"I don't need to sleep, Connor." You insisted. Your arms shook a bit and he caught you. He laid you back down. You knew you were fighting a losing battle with your body. You finally closed your eyes. "" You muttered to him. 

"Call me what you wish, I know what you need." He replied. "You just refuse to see it because of your stubbornness." You opened your eyes a bit again.

"I swear you really are...impossible." You saw him give a little amused grin. It was...cute. 

"I could say the same to you sometimes." He replied. You glared at him slightly. 

"Hey." You tried to snap, but it came out a bit too quiet. He chuckled. 

"Go to sleep, (Y/n). You need it." You sighed.

"Is this how it's going to be with you? Constant worrying and fussing?" You asked. He looked away. 

"I was wrong before. I should've never let you leave. I'm not taking any chances." He said.

"Chances? With what?" You asked. He looked at you again. 

"Whether you will ever believe me or not, I will take care of you until I die." He said. You stared at him.

"How can you be like this? For me of all people?" You asked. He smiled a little.

"Because if you were loved by anyone before, you can be loved again." You smiled a little. You began to drift off. He brushed your hair out of your face as your eyes closed and your breathing softened. 

"Sleep well, (Y/n). I'll take care of you." You were honestly grateful he was being so respectful, caring, and gentle with you. It was a very different side of him. He was usually serious or neutral, but now he seemed like a real person. He was...human. 

"I know you will, Connor." You muttered. The medicine kicked in and you felt even more tired. Connor noticed this. He stood up and made sure your blanket wouldn't fall off of you. "Thank you." You breathed. There was a pause as you finally fell asleep.

"You're welcome."

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now