Chapter 139

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You and Connor stayed together for the rest of the day. Most of it was spent cuddling and watching movies and TV shows on the couch. You both stayed up pretty late. It was enjoyable and it made you feel a lot better to be in his arms again. You only wished the feeling would last.

Connor had fallen asleep with his head resting against your chest. Your back was against a pillow as you leaned on one of the couch's arms. You were still awake. Connor had been tired from the flight and staying up so late. It was almost midnight. Still, even if it was extremely late, you couldn't sleep. 

You watched TV before your thoughts consumed you again. You glanced down at Connor. He looked so peaceful and so relaxed. You gently combed your fingers through his hair, making it curly like how it was after he took showers. You hummed, giggling lightly to yourself at the sight. 

As you watched him, you began to feel your heart sink. The feeling was back. You sighed heavily. You couldn't keep switching moods like this. It wasn't good for you. You decided to at least try to get some sleep. 

Carefully maneuvering so you wouldn't wake Connor up, you laid down with him still resting on top of you. Your eyes instantly began to feel heavy. You yawned before your eyes drooped shut. 

The peace, unfortunately, didn't last long. You heard a knock at the door. You were stunned. Who would be out at this time? You carefully wriggled out from under Connor before going to answer it.

You opened the door and were met with a woman in a delivery uniform. You were confused by this. Still, you answered her as she began to speak.

"Are you Ms. (L/n)?" You yawned and nodded.

"Sorry to bother you so late, Ma'am, but this was under 'urgent' and I missed it earlier today." She said, handing you a package. You took it.

"Urgent? I don't recognize the return address." She shrugged.

"Sorry to bother you so late." You gave her a tired smile.

"It's alright. Tonight was a sleepless night anyway. Thank you." She gave you a smile and left. You went back inside and you set the box down on the kitchen table. You got a small knife and opened it up. 

You took out what was inside. You raised your eyebrows at it. You quickly closed the box and looked over at Connor who was still asleep on the couch. You took the box to the bathroom and closed the door, locking it. There was a card inside of it. You opened it and read through it. 

"Miss (L/n), I apologize for not asking you to come to see me in person, but I have been occupied with some things at Cyberlife lately and I didn't have the time for a formal introduction. I have developed a formula with one of my partners for you. This package contains what I call Thirium 2. It should mix better with the human half of your body. Take a single cap a day and contact me after a few weeks to let me know if it is helping. Signed, Elijah Kamski?" 

You looked at the three small medicine like bottles it had come in. Should I tell Connor? You debated for a moment before deciding against it. You didn't want him to worry. 

You took out the bottles and hid them in the back of the cabinet. You took the 'cap' measurement from the first bottle and set it down. You held it in your hand, wondering if this was a good idea. You sighed. No guts no glory. you took it and you waited for your gag reflex to kick in. Surprisingly, it never did. It was actually fairly...refreshing? The taste and feeling were difficult to describe. You shrugged. Well, I guess it's alright then. I'll have to try it out. 

Once you put the rest away, you went back out into the living room. You saw Connor hugging the pillow tightly as if it were you. You sighed with a smile and went over to him. "TV off." You said before turning to your boyfriend. You shook him gently and his LED flashed yellow a few times before going back to blue as he woke up. You leaned down and kissed his temple. "Come on, Con. Let's get you to bed." He yawned as you helped him up and you both walked together to the bedroom. You lad him down on the bed since he was still practically falling asleep. You chuckled and joined him, sliding onto your own side. His arms wrapped around you loosely. He yawned again before snuggling up to you. "You're such a child, Connor." He let out a little hum-like laugh before kissing your collar bone. You blushed, but you didn't resist.

"What's wrong with wanting to be close to you, my love?" He asked softly. You could clearly picture the little tired yet cheesy and teasing smirk on his face.

"Go to sleep, you dork." He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.

"No..." He let out a little whine before he kept kissing you, giving you playful yet loving pecks wherever he could. Your blush brightened and you smiled, enjoying it. He knew you were too.

"C...Connor...please..." You managed to say, still blushing like crazy.

"Please what, love~?" He cooed.

"Now you're just being cocky." You muttered with a grin.

"Maybe I am..." He kissed across your jawline. "Maybe I'm not." You rolled your eyes. 


"Hm?" You took your chance and captured his lips into a kiss of your own. He had no complaints, gladly returning the kiss and holding you ever so slightly tighter. You could feel the heat coming from his blush as well. You had missed the feeling his kisses gave you. It only made you crave more. 

When you both pulled away, you gently pressed your foreheads together, staring deep into each other's eyes. He tucked some of your hair behind your ear as you played with the ends of his. 


"Yes, (Y/n)?" 

"I love you. You know that, right?" You asked. He smiled softly at you, giving your nose a quick kiss.

"Of course I do. And I love you too, (Y/n)." He told you. "Every part of me lives for your love. I know it." You smiled softly at him.

"I know, Connor." You told him, cuddling closer to him. "How could I forget?" He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.

"Goodnight, my love." 


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