Chapter 61

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After all of you had gone and talked to Markus, he invited you to stay for a bit. The three of you agreed and Hank got to meet some of Connor's friends. You also met two other androids. Their names were Simon and Josh and they were both nice people. 

After you all had stayed for about half an hour, you told them you had to go. You couldn't stay for too long because of work. They all said goodbye to the three of you and Markus told you all goodluck and to be careful. 

You arrived back at the station soon enough and you met up with Gavin. He asked how it went and you told him the details you thought were important and you thought that he'd care about. You both talked for a few minutes before you went back over to the others.

The three of you basically talked for the rest of the day. When it was time to go home, you said goodbye to Hank. He said the same to both of you and then you and Connor headed out to your car. You drove the two of you home and you got something to eat as Connor fed the animals. You thanked him for it again and he said it was no trouble as usual.

After that, you wanted to play a game. You put in your Just Dance game again and looked through the songs. You were flipping through when Connor spoke up.


"Hm?" You hummed, turning to face him. 

"Two songs back. I...I like that one." You raised an eyebrow and went back to see which one he wanted. You were stunned. 

"U-um...Con, that's a couple's dance. I can't do it without a-"

"Partner." He said, grabbing the other remote. You blushed.

"No.'s been so long since I did it and I...the last time was with..." You frowned, remembering how you both used to dance together.

"Maybe you need some better memories of this song." He said. He held out his hand and you looked into his eyes. There was so much warmth in them. You felt your heart beating faster. A voice whispered in your head. "Give in. Let him in." You took his hand and hit play. He smiled.

"Do you know how to dance?" You asked as the music started.

"I downloaded the choreography." He replied. You rolled your eyes.

"That's one way to learn." You told him. Then, the dance started. 

(I can never find choreography videos. Uhg.)

You and Connor began to dance and you let him lead. You both moved together in perfect sync. You were honestly shocked. Connor was a better partner than anybody you'd danced with before. He was gentle, but each move was perfect. You knew he was an android, but Connor had fumbled with things before. You knew not everything he did was perfect, so this was impressive. 

You soon let yourself melt into the dance. Your heart rate increased, you felt that familiar sensation running through your body and blood. The passion was there, that spark was in you again. You began to smile as the music picked up and so did the dance. 

You both began to move faster to match the quicker pace. You closed your eyes for a moment and in that moment, everything as back to how it used to be. You felt it all around you. The exhilaration and the thirst for more. All of the emotions came flooding back and you began to sing with it. Connor noticed this and you heard him chuckle. You opened your eyes and met his own gaze for a moment as the dance allowed you both to face each other for a second.  He was smiling. He was happy. You were smiling too. You were happy.

You were then spun around and you kept singing with the song as Connor listened to your voice and danced along with you. You felt his hands move from your hands to your waist and you fell back as he caught you. He pushed you back up and you turned on your heel, taking his hand again and pulling him toward you. You grinned as your faces came close to touching just before you had to pull away again. 

Then dance went on and you closed your eyes again, letting it happen. You knew that you were letting it happen. For once, you didn't care. It felt too good to resist. It all brought back so much for you. You couldn't lock it inside anymore. Connor had won. You still had a bit of fight, not letting yourself admit it, but you were fighting against denying it and accepting it now. You pushed all of the inner battles away, letting the joy and love for it all consume you. 

Then, you heard Connor's voice. He was singing! You smiled even more, stunned, but pleased. You sang louder, feeling even more passion than before. The dance had one more powerful boost before it finally began to come to its conclusion. You both slowed down. Connor pulled you closer as it did. Then, it was over. 

Your voices cut off softly and you opened your eyes. His chocolate brown eyes were shining with joy and...something you hadn't seen so strong in a long time. You smiled at him, your face heating up. He was blushing blue as well. 

"I...didn't know you could sing." You said softly. He chuckled. 

"I hope it didn't wreck anything for you." He said.

"No, no, made it so much better." You admitted. He blushed more, but his smile grew.

"You really are so breathtaking. I've never seen any human do what you do, (Y/n)."

"I don't think you've ever seen anybody besides me dance, Connor." You replied.

"I don't care." He said. He kissed the bridge of your nose and rested his forehead against yours. "I understand if you say no, but I would like if we could do this more often. I would like to dance with you from now on." He said. You smiled.

"I would like that too." You both broke apart and Connor spoke up again.

"It's getting rather late. You should get some rest." You thought about it and you realized that Connor stayed on the couch every night. You felt bad for him. You blushed and smiled shyly to yourself as you got an idea of how to fix that.

"You know, the couch can't be comfortable. Why don't you come and...stay with me tonight?" You offered. He blushed.

"R-really? I-I would hate to intrude." He said.

"You wouldn't be. I promise. Come on." You told him. He went to the bathroom to change into his PJ clothes first and you changed in your room while he was away. Connor came back and he joined you, laying down on the other side. You saw how nervous he was. You chuckled. "Relax, Con. Come here." He hesitantly moved closer to you and you rested your head against his chest. You knew his face was probably bright blue at this point. You yawned and closed your eyes. "Goodnight, Connor. Thank you for dancing with me. It...was really nice." You told him. You soon felt his arms wrap around you and you smiled softly as you soon began to fall asleep in his arms.

"You're welcome. Goodnight, (Y/n). Sweet dreams."

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