Chapter 19

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You woke up late in the morning and you felt your drinks once again catching up with you. You groaned at the headache that was currently ruling over your brain. You sighed. Fuck this shit. Maybe Connor's right. I gotta stop drinking so much. You sat up and sighed again as you were greeted by the gray lighting. You looked outside of your window. Clouds and heavy snowflakes is what the weather had to greet you with. Yep. Today is a shit day. I swear this morning wanted to describe how I'm feeling. You shook it off, not having much of a reason to continue to care or be surprised. You lived in Detroit. No shit there was gonna be snowy and ridiculously cold days. 

You went to the bathroom and popped some pain meds for the headache. At least it would help. Or you hoped it would, anyway. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked like you usually did in the morning, a lazy Sunday mess. It wasn't Sunday, but still, it was a fitting description. You were wearing a tank that said 'I'm Lazy. Deal With It.' and some baggy light grey sweatpants. This was basically what you considered PJ's aside from the few pairs of actual PJ's you still had. 

After the quick self-scan in the mirror, you decided it was time to get something to eat. Your stomach clearly agreed, growling as the thought came to mind. You went to answer your stomach's demands and thought about what you wanted. You decided on good old Mac and Cheese for breakfast. Why not? It's been a while and I swear I've had some of it for 10 years now. I remember when I used to have it all the time. God, I was such a kid before... You stopped. You sighed again. Damn it, (Y/n). Get a fuckin' grip. It's over. Why the hell do you still give a shit? You knew why. And that little voice in your head kept reminding you every time you thought about it. "Because you can't let go~" You forced yourself to ignore it and kept going.

As you entered the living room, you stopped dead in your tracks. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Connor was in some sort of sleep mode on the couch and both of your cats were sprawled out on top of him. What mostly caught your attention was that...he didn't even seem to know this. He was literally just laying there with his eyes closed and two cats used him as a pillow. 

"And just like that, I question how much I had to drink again." You muttered. What amused you was that it looked like Connor was cradling Jackson. His arms and Jackson's body were both perfectly set up for it to look that way. You decided to take advantage of this. You snapped a picture and sent it to Hank.

'Dude, what the fuck did I just wake up to? Did you send him here last night? Because I have no idea what the hell even happened in these last like...6 hours.' 

You went to get your food as you waited for Hank to respond. You started cooking your Mac and Cheese when your phone buzzed. You picked it up and grinned at Hank's response.

'I did not send him to your place. What the hell am I seeing right now? First MY dog and now YOUR cats? I don't fuckin' know anymore.'

'I don't think either of us did.'

'No kidding.'

'See you later, old man.'

'Take a picture when one of the cats is on his head for me, will you?'

'We'll see what happens.' With that, you went back to breakfast. As you ate your food, you heard something. It sounded like somebody had gone into the cat's food bag and fed them. You were confused for a second, but then you concluded this to be Connor. You rolled your eyes with a small grin and kept eating. This is gonna be a long day. I can already feel it.

Then, Connor came into the kitchen. He looked a bit surprised to see you there. You stood up and set your dishes in the sink for now before turning to face him.

"Hey." It was all you really had to say.

"Good...goodmorning, Liuetenant." Connor said, not really sure what to say either apparently. And I thought machines could do everything these days. You thought. You sighed.

"Thanks for feeding them." You said.

"Oh, um...of course. They seemed hungry." Connor replied. 

"Don't have a bug or anything, do ya, Connor? You seem a little jittery." You said, deciding to call out his stance a little.

"Apologies, Lieutenant, but...I didn't know you owned clothes like that." You were confused, but then you realized that your tank was...low cut and kinda showing. That and you weren't wearing a bra. And back to feeling like a complete idiot. 

"I-if you'll excuse me while I go get dressed." You said, speed walking back to your room. You closed the door, blushing like an idiot. "I'm embarrassed about being seen by the weirdest android on the planet." You muttered to yourself. It's at that moment you started to wonder what you did to get to that point in your life. You honestly had no clue. Still, you put on a less showing t-shirt and walked back out. Connor was waiting patiently on the couch for you.

"Hello again, Lieutenant. Are you done changing?" He asked.

"Uh...y-yeah..." You said, still confused as to what just happened. What is my life? You didn't think even God himself had answers to that question anymore. You stood there awkwardly. What the hell am I supposed to do with a detective android? After a moment of awkward silence, you spoke up again. "Wanna watch a movie? Got nothin' else to do around here." 

"I have never seen any movies," Connor said.

"Well...movies are entertaining. I mean...kinda why we make them, I guess." You said. You both fell silent again. "I'm putting in Open Season."

"What's Open Season?"

"It's pretty funny, actually. Shrek is a classic, though."

"What's Shrek?"

"......You need to live a bit more."

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