Chapter 149

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Connor's POV

They didn't find her. Nobody knew where she was and it worried me. At least if nobody found her it also meant that she was most likely okay. I felt so bad about driving her away. I couldn't focus on that though. I had to focus on finding her. 

I went to work and we were out all day asking if anybody had seen anything. We started closer to our house before starting to branch out. Collin and Gavin took the way to his house in case she had first planned on going there and then changed her mind. Hank and I took the opposite direction.

Markus had also been notified and he said that he'd alert our people to keep an eye out for her. We thanked him for it. It was nice to have so many people on our side. It made me feel better about finding her. We had a pretty good chance. It was encouraging and it helped me move past the guilt and pain...or at least take my mind off it.

Cass' POV

She found my tracker. I wished I'd known. Now I had no way of finding her. I was extremely frustrated. I knew then that (Y/n) wouldn't be found if she didn't want to be. She must've had help. Somebody was hiding her. I wasn't mad about that. It was nice to know that she was alright. I would've felt it if something had happened to her. Family connections were like that.

I was back at New Jericho. Markus had already notified everyone that lived there. They were working on getting the word out about (Y/n), but I knew it wouldn't make a difference. (Y/n) wasn't stupid. She knew that we were all looking for her and I knew that if she wanted to stay hidden, she'd find a way to make sure she wasn't found.

There was nothing I could do now. Instead, I decided to see the one person nobody had checked. I went to visit Kamski. I was able to leave without anybody noticing. It made things easier. If anybody could still help me find her, it was him.

I had also wanted to talk with Connor to see why (Y/n) had run away, but...things had begun to piece together for me. Connor had gotten angry, I knew that, but there was something that was bothering me. Why had he been that mad? 

I thought back to Shane. That machine...had Connor actually gotten free of it? Shane had released Connor, but...I had a strong suspicion that Shane would never just let Connor go. It didn't make sense. Why let Connor go and give (Y/n) more help fighting him off? Why not turn on (Y/n) while she was expecting him to free Connor? Sure, it was a risky move, but Connor wouldn't have been freed in time if Shane had done that. It would've been more of a win than what ended up happening. I knew one thing, if Connor had a virus, Kamski would be able to tell.

I made it to his house and I got out of the car. His place looked so much different in the summer. I walked up and rang the doorbell. Chloe answered the door after a few moments. She looked surprised to see me. 

"Oh, hello, Cassandra. Please, come in." 

"Thanks, Chloe. I need to talk to Elijah. Sorry for not giving an early notice, but it's important. It's about Connor and (Y/n). Something happened." She nodded, understanding that it was serious.

"Follow me. He's right this way." I walked after her and we soon found him in the dining room. He looked up as we came in.

"Ah, Cassandra. I was expecting you."

"Really? Do you always have to be this cryptic?"

"Well, it puts some fun into things." He said, cleaning his face with a napkin. Chloe took his dirty dishes away. "Thank you, Chloe." He said. "Anyway, I had already heard about what happened with (Y/n)."

"How?" I asked.

"Collin called me. He asked if (Y/n) had come here. I told him that she was not staying with me and that was the end of it. However, I knew that I would be seeing you need my help, don't you?" I sighed.

"You knew she had turned off her tracker."

"I had figured it out when she'd gotten shocked the night of Connor's kidnapping. But if you've come to have me find her, I apologize, but I can't help you." I frowned, frustrated.

"Damn it," I grumbled. 

"However," He began. "Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" I rolled my eyes.

"How the hell do you do that?"

"One of my many talents. So?"

"Connor lashed out at her. I was thinking...what if Shane didn't fully cancel changing Connor's program?" He nodded.

"It's entirely possible, but Connor would have to come here. I can't run any tests if he isn't around. You may tell me his symptoms though."

"Well...I haven't talked to him, but it just struck me as out of character. Collin handled it fine, so why did Connor snap? It's not like him." He nodded.

"Connor has a very unique programmed personality. He can be aggressive if he chooses, but most of the time he is supposed to be passive or neutral. Perhaps it's just an effect of his deviancy."

"I still want you to check. We don't need this happening with anybody else and if it's a virus, Connor risks passing it on to other androids by interfacing with them. We need to know for sure." I told him. He nodded.

"Alright, I'll have a look. Call him over and we'll get this all settled." I nodded. I called Connor and he picked up pretty quick. I felt bad knowing I wasn't going to give him the news he was hoping for.


"Hey, Connor. I'm at Kamski's and we need you to come over here."

"What? Why? Is (Y/n) there?"

"No, but we think...we think you might have a virus."

"What?! Why?"

"You acted out of character with (Y/n), right?"


"I was thinking...what if Shane had a fallback plan?" I could clearly picture Connor's nervous expression.

"I-I'll be over as soon as I can. Thank you, Cass." 

"No problem. We'll see you soon, Connor."

"Thank you for helping. I appreciate that you came up with an explanation. It'll help if we can be sure about this." 

"I know. Anyway, see ya."

"Goodbye." I hung up. 

"He's on his way. Let's just hope we can fix this."

"If there is anything to fix, that is."

"Right, though...I have a feeling I'm right. I don't know why...but...I just don't think...I don't think this is over. Not yet."

"When it involves all of you, I don't think it'll ever be finished."

"Gee, thanks." He laughed to himself.

"Just giving you my honest opinion." I sighed again.

"Well, even I have to might be right."

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