Chapter 96

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You were relieved that Collin was in working order. You honestly thought he was going to lose his memory. It was nice seeing him stand tall again. Quite literally since he was taller than anybody in the room. 

He greeted you last since Connor had been there first. The two honestly looked like brothers together. You wondered if a relationship like that would develop. Hank was kinder to Collin because the two were similar and Collin was a good person in general.

You watched as everyone talked to him and told him what a relief it was to have him back. He continued to thank them. Soon, Kamski came in. He greeted Collin as well and Chloe did the same. 

"I assume everything is functional?" He asked.

"Yes, everything is working fine," Collin replied.

"Would it be alright if I ran a few tests? Consider it a checkup." Kamski asked. Collin nodded in reply.

"Of course, that would be fine." 

"Well, we'll leave you to it then," Hank said. "Come on, everybody." You all followed him out. Connor walked beside you as you all left. You glanced behind you and spotted your brother and sister. They were talking and hadn't noticed your gaze. You felt a hint of sadness and a bit of guilt. Maybe...I should try to...make up with them? You wondered.

"Go talk to them." You looked over at Connor. It seemed he had been reading your thoughts. You hesitated.

"But..." He cupped your cheek.

"You need to talk to them. They're your family." You looked at the ground. 

"Are they? I'm not even the same person anymore. I'm not even a person." Connor sighed.

"How many times do I have to remind you that I know you'll be back to yourself soon. You are (Y/n). I know that." Your gaze met his again. He smiled softly at you. "Go on." You smiled a little.

"Thank you, Connor." He nodded in response and you turned toward your family. You sighed and headed over to the two of them. They both spotted you and looked a little surprised when they saw you coming over. There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment.

"U-um...hey," Nate said, completely at a loss for how to respond.

"Hi." You muttered. The silence returned. Nate groaned.

"Screw it!" You were confused, but you froze in shock as he latched onto you. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to stay away! I missed you so much more than you know and I never want to lose you guys again!" He blurted out. You slowly hugged back. 

"I-I...I'm s-sorry too. I-I shouldn't blame you both for something you could never control." Cass walked over and joined the hug.

"I know it's not the easiest thing to accept this, but I'm sorry too. I wanted to tell both of you when this first happened, but I had to protect you both and myself. It was the only way we'd all be safe."

"Yeah." Nate agreed. You nodded.

"I'm sorry." 

"It's alright," Cass replied.

"We don't blame you. I felt the same way." Nate admitted.

"We're just glad that you made it through. You lasted longer than either of us did." Cass added. 

"Yeah." Nate agreed. You looked between the two and smiled a bit.

"I know that I missed you,'s hard to truly say it and mean it right now." You explained, feeling guilty again.

"Hey, that's not your fault. We understand." Cass said.

"Neither of us had to have implants like that, so we don't understand it, but we get that it's nothing you can really control." Your brother explained. You nodded.

"I know, but I still thought it would be a good thing to say. Or at least it would give me something to say." 

"Pfft, I know that feeling. Hey, don't worry about it. Things will go back to normal. Besides, this wasn't natural for us at first either. There were some things that needed to go back to normal for us too." Nate said. You were interested.

"There was?"

"Oh yeah! We had to get used to the limb functions," Nate began.

"And we had to get used to the enhancements," Cass added in.

"And our emotions were a bit out of it too. Not exactly like yours, but eh, close." You nodded. You smiled a little. 

"I'm glad to have a family again." The smiled back. The three of you hugged again and you felt something bubbling inside of you. It was something you hadn't felt in a while, joy. You hugged back just as strongly.

"We're glad to have you back too, sis," Nate said. 

"And we won't let this happen again. Promise." You nodded.

"Okay." You all hung out for the rest of the morning. You felt better around them now that the connection was restored. You were...happy. I...I have my family again.

(Heya guys! I know this chapter is short, but things have been crazy since it's getting closer to the end of the school year yet again. WOO HOO, but still, UHG. WORK. Anyway, I promise things are going to start getting interesting! I have HUGE plans! For now, this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author, AHWOOOOT!)

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