The Unchosen One

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Have you ever fell for someone so bad but no matter what you do or how hard you try, it will never be you?

It makes you feel hollow. Empty.

Because no matter what you do, the love that you wish to receive, will never be given back to you.

That's what I felt the moment I fell for you.

5 Years ago

I can still remember the very first time my eyes laid upon you.

You were sitting in the corner of my favorite coffee shop where I always hang out to study and review.
I noticed how distant and hopeful your eyes were as you waited patiently for someone else.

And for the whole day that I had watched you from afar, I wonder how heartless that person could be, to make someone as beautiful as you, wait that long and never even show up.

But still, you flashed that hopeful smile the moment you stood up and walk away.

And from that moment on I just knew, I want someone like you in my life who would love me like that too.

The next day, my heart leaped with joy when you showed up again and waited on that same spot you were in the other day.

And just like before, you wore that same hope and longing in your eyes, only to walk out in the afternoon sad and disappointed again.

My heart ached for you, as I watch you helplessly wait for that same person for weeks, and then months...

I have watched you long enough that I was able to memorize every features of your beautiful face Lisa-yah.

Your round expressive dreamy eyes that would get lost as you stare blankly at the window.
That deep sigh and faint smile that you would always release when it's almost time for you to go, but still, that person that you eagerly wait is nowhere to be seen.

I wonder what you saw on that person for you to waste your energy and time, waiting.

"Lili.. Let's go now. Chu's shift is almost over now. Come with us, I prepared dinner for the both of you." I heard the girl with the cat eyes talked to you as she gently fix your hair and look intently at you.

It was the first time I saw you with another girl except for your other friend who works part time here.

And somehow a part of my heart envies her. For she can freely look at you and hold you and she would be given back with the same amount of admiration from you.

It might sound and look creepy.
But I also want to be that person who can take care of you too.

"One more hour Jen. She might finally be back this time." I heard you answered at the cat-eyed girl with a pleading look but the girl just shook her head and smiled weakly at you.

"Lili, I think she's not from here. For all we know she might just be a tourist or someone who just paid a visit here."

" Come on now. I'll ask Chu to tell her workmates to call us if they happened to see a girl with the red hair."

"What's her description again?" the girl pressed the question again smiling as she lightly carressed your back.

" She has the most beautiful smile I had ever seen Jen-Jen."

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt