Jennie's Heartbreak.

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The long drive to the Park was eerily quiet.

Only the constant sounds of heavy sighs from the passengers break the deafening silence that surrounds the atmosphere. Jisoo can't even help but take a glance every now and then at the two women at the back as she looks at them at the rear view mirror of her car.

"Chu, honey, eyes on the road, please?" I said gently as I call her attention and smiled at her. Jisoo then shifted her attention at me and then to the road and smiled uneasily.

"Right. I'm sorry Jendeuk." Jisoo mumbled as she focus her full attention in driving.

I took a glance at Lisa and Chaeyoung at the backseat. Lisa was blankly staring out of the passenger window while Chaeyoung is trying her best to comfort her by gently stroking her back and giving her constant kisses in her cheeks which would often brought back to her senses from time to time.

I can't help but be anxious and emotional.

As much as I wanted to stay placid and be calm, I just can't. My anxieties are starting to build up and I'm starting to panic.

I can't even stop my self from fidgeting from my seat.

Jisoo then reached for my hand and kissed it.
"Relax Jen jen. Everything will be alright." she smiled encouragingly as she shift her attention again at the road.

Well you can't blame me to feel that way.

When I'm the only person in Lisa's life who had witnessed how she had suffered during that time of her life.

And believe me when I tell you, this is something you wouldn't want to look back.

I wouldn't even blame Lisa before, if her body's defense mechanism is to automatically block all those memories from re-occuring her mind after that tragedy.

It was really a painful one.

Even I myself, would never want to go back to those memories.

I was the one who broke the news to her the moment she woke up in the ICU.

It was the hardest thing that I ever did my entire life.

Breaking her heart for the very first time.

Its a trauma.. Watching the one you love slowly lose herself from pain.

I saw the fire in her eyes died the moment she heard those words.

She was no longer the warm and radiant Lisa that I used to know and love.

For she lost her innocence that day.

Life is terrifying.

You have no idea how painful it is to love someone that can be touched by death.

It can break you and change you.

And worst, it can put a damage in your soul for a lifetime.

To be honest I can't even imagine myself on how I managed to pull through from all of these.

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