The Sun and the Moon

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"We could live like this forever Love." Chaeyoung whispered softly with her eyes closed as she enjoy the warmth from the rays of the sun against the light cold afternoon breeze. We were lying at the hammock besides the pool, facing the perfect view of the huge courtyard garden.
The girls were out, enjoying their last day here at Malibu. Chaeyoung and I just opt to stay and enjoy our solemn moment here. It was almost late afternoon and the sun is slowly starting to settle as clear blue sky makes way to the shades of pink, orange and red.

I turned my gaze at her and smiled.

I was never really fond of sunsets but moments like this really made me think otherwise.

I mean, have you seen how breath taking Chaeyoung is whenever the sun touches her skin?

How her beauty radiates from it?

It's blinding.

It was so overwhelming that it would give you a euphoric sense of love and warmth.

And by just staring and being so drawn to her,  I found myself wanting to kiss her and feel her.

"Hmmm." Chaeng gasped as she stir from my kisses, smiling. She returned my kisses with equal passion with her eyes still closed. She gently pulled away and finally opened her dreamy eyes and stared right through my soul.

"Why are you so whipped at me Lisa-yah?" she cooed smiling, giving me constant kisses in my lips making me more high and flustered.

"You know what, I always wonder how the sun loves you so much that everytime it's rays touches you, it kisses your skin gently, covering it with shiny sparkles." I whispered at her while tucking her hair behind her ear which stunned her for a moment.

"Babe you're so beautiful that you make the sunset, appealing to my eyes now." I confessed sincerely which made her release soft chuckles.

"Babe why do you hate sunset so much?" she asked softly as she run her fingers through my hair.

"I don't know. It always give me an empty feeling whenever I look at it." I confessed sincerely.

"I just hate the transition of colors the sunset gives."

"I hate when everything goes dark."

"It's a statement that nothing lasts forever."

"That even the sun, the brightest of all, has its time to say goodbye too." I continued which made her stopped from caressing my hair and looked intently at me. She tilted my chin up and made me look at her.

"Babe, the sun doesn't leave. It's the earth that spins around its axis making it turn away from the sun." Chaeyoung answered softly.

"What you don't see doesn't always mean that it's not really there or it's gone."

"Sometimes it's us that turns our back on them that's why we can't see the things that we want to see." she said gently at me and kissed me softly.

"Like how I used to ran away from the people that I love whenever I'm hurting?" I asked which she answered with a nod.

"We don't turn our back away from our happiness whenever darkness consumes us Lisa."

"Never ever forget that.."

"You are the earth and the sun is your happiness.

"And when the time comes that you turn your back from happiness and it's hard for you to see the light, I will be your moon to shed you some light."

"It's a reminder, that after this darkness, you'll see the light.

"You just have to turn around and face the sun." she said finally which made sense.

"Are you the moon?" I asked her with my husky voice which made her giggle hard cause it sounded really adorable than sexy.

"Yeah I am definitely your moon baby." Chaeyoung answered still laughing as she pinch me my nose.

"We are each other's moon." she whispered lovingly which made my heart melt.

"But Babe, you are not my moon. You're my sun. You are my happiness." I said sincerely but Chaeyoung just shook her head and gave me a weak smile.

"Babe, the sun should be the center of your universe not the moon."

"Your happiness should always be the center of your life, not me."

"I'm just a part of your happiness but I should not be the only source of that Lisa."

"So when the time comes that I lose my light and you can't see me, you could still go on and find some happiness in your heart." she said in her most dignified voice which made me anxious.

"Babe you know I hate it when you speak like that." I said in a low voice but Chaeyoung just smiled at me and kissed me one more time which somehow eased my anxieties away.

"Hey, like I always tell you, what you don't see doesn't always mean that it's not really there or it's gone."

"Like the moon, there will be times that it will not be visible in your eyes, but it doesn't really mean that it's gone."

"Sometimes it just lack light for you to see it. But it doesn't mean that it's not there." she explained carefully which somehow makes sense to me.

"I know there will come a time and at some point, you will lose your sight on the light. I just want you to remember this conversation when that time comes." she said smiling as she cup my face.

"Always remember to search for your happiness and never turn your back away from it."

"And when darkness consumes you, I'll try to shine my brightest so you'll be able to see the light."

"Babe I will always be here for you, even if you can't see me or you don't want to see me."

"I will always be your moon. Always."

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