Best Christmas Gift

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"Love wake up now."

"Come on baby poop, time to get up now. I'm excited to give you my gift." Chaeyoung cooed sweetly as she try to wake Lisa up from her sleep. She then gave her featherly kisses in her lips causing the other girl to stir from her sleep.

"Hmmmmm.." Lisa lazily hummed smiling as she turns to her from lying on her side and pulled Chaeyoung closer, letting her body seek for warmth from her. Lisa intuitively slid her arms around her waist and snuzzled her face in her bossom and sighed contentedly.

"Merry Christmas Love." Chaeyoung greeted lovingly at her making the other one look up to her with her dreamy eyes and stared intently at her.

"Chaeng-Ah, everyday is Christmas for me as long as I am able to wake up next to you." She said sincerely while smiling shamelessly at her. She fondled Chaeyoung's hair and gently tuck it behind her ear making the latter blush and look down, flashing her flustered smile.

"Merry Christmas to the best Christmas gift in the world." Lisa mumbled with her still raspy voice and pecked her continously in her lips. Chaeyoung instinctively parted her lips, letting it slip and grazed soflty against hers as she return her kisses with equal amount of love and longing. She then pulled away almost breathless with a flustered smile on her face.

"Get up now Love before I change my mind and start undressing you here."Chaeyoung mumbled seductively at her leaving Lisa all flustered, smiling stupidly with that toothy grin.

"Well I'm with you on that one,Chaeyoung-Ah." Lisa grinned mischievously at her with her eyebrows wiggling.

"Yah- Lisa, let me remind you that Mom and Alice are downstairs." Chaeyoung uttered with light giggles from Lisa's constant kisses.

"Come on now Love, get up. They're waiting for us for the opening of presents." she said giddily at her which made Lisa release a heartfelt smile, feeling grateful at Chaeng for inviting her Mom and Alice over to spend their Christmas here at her house.

Actually for 10 years, it was the only time again that she'll be able to spend this holiday here. She never stayed here especially during holidays since that day her parents died. The empty house would only make her feel more alone and hollow.

For years, she avoided that miserable feeling.

Funny, how your own house can make you feel homesick.

"I'll just brush my teeth and fix myself Babe. You go ahead, I'll be there right after." Lisa answered still fondling Chaeyoung's long blonde hair. The latter nods and gave her one last kiss and left excitedly. Lisa then finally got up and did her morning routine.

The moment Lisa stepped out of her room, her senses were suddenly filled nostalgic memories.

The smell of her favorite stew that her Mom used to prepare every Christmas. The intoxicating aroma of orange, ginger and cinammon from the scented candles. The entire home was even filled with elaborate Christmas displays. Christmas songs are already playing.

It all brings her poignant yet beautiful memories of how her Christmas with her parents used to be.

Chaeyoung and her Mom really outdid themseleves on this one. And she couldn't be thankful enough for all of their love and effort.

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