Played by Destiny Twice

708 35 15

"So how do you wipe the baby poop out?" Lisa asked attentively while watching Jeongyeon demonstrate to her the proper way of changing baby's diaper one morning during their usual breakfast at the faculty lounge. It was their first day back to work again.

"Well you have to unfasten the loaded diaper first. If there's a lot of poop, you can use the front of the diaper to wipe down towards the bottom to remove some of the poop off your baby. Then you have to carefully fold the diaper down and make sure it's all well folded and secured cause the least that you want is baby poop leaking out of the diaper." Jeongyeon started while showing the other girl how to fold the diaper while all of their friends were watching on their table. Lisa was watching intently with her huge expressive eyes fixed at the diaper as she nods and bit her lip as if taking mental notes at everything Jeongyeon was showing her.

"Use clean cotton pads or wipes and soak it in luke warm water just to remove the poop."

"It is imperative that you have to use luke warm water Lisa-yah." Jeongyeon uttered with emphasis.

"You shouldn't use neither hot or cold water otherwise it might irritate or hurt the baby." she uttered again seriously.

"Once done cleaning the baby's poop, you have to wait for the baby's skin to completely dry before puting her new diaper cause it might cause rashes to her bum." she said lastly while putting on a new set of diapers at the new doll that Jisoo has gifted at Lisa for her New Born Care Class which she named right away as Little Rosie. All of the Faculties here were now taking turns at carrying Baby Jensoo and Little Rosie at the Lounge room during their free time.

"Okay, it's your turn now bud." Jeongyeon uttered smiling as she carefully handed Little Rosie at her Mom. Lisa heaved a deep breath and clipped her nose using a small binder clip which caused all of their friends to laugh at how silly she looked like.

"What the fuck was that for?" Jeongyeon asked in disbelief as she lightly smacked her friend's head.

"Hey no cursing in front of my kid!" Lisa uttered seriously at her.

"Well it's poop, that's why I came prepared." Lisa then answered sounding quite funny since she can't breathe through her nose making everyone laugh harder while watching their conversation.

"The newborn's poop has no smell you idiot." Jeongyeon shot back smacking her head again and pulled away the binding clip on Lisa's nose causing the latter to groan from slight pain.

"Ouch! That hurt you little fucker."Lisa complained carressing her nose.

"Hey no cursing in front of your kid!" Jeongyeon retorted wittily.

"Come on, stop messing around and wipe my God daughter's bum now before I whip your ass." Jeongyeon responded smirking at her.

"Okay Rosie Poop. Mommy's gonna clean up up now. Don't cry okay?" Lisa cooed sweetly at the doll and started with the demonstration.

"Jeez guys, isn't it too early for that? We can't even enjoy our breakfast in peace cause all you mention about is poop." Jihyo who was sitting next to Nayeon and Irene whined at them while sipping her tea.

"Oh don't be so grumpy about it Thomas." Jeongyeon bantered back at the woman smirking knowing that it would annoy her more whenever she calls her that.

"You and Daniel should really get back together so you wouldn't be pressed at everything." she bantered again which caused Jihyo to accidentally spit out the tea she was sipping at Jeongyeon's face. Everyone was laughing hard watching Jeongyeon's shocked look.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ