"Chaeyoung's Condition"

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"I don't get it Chaeng."

"How come you got this heart condition during your pregnancy?"

"As far as I can remember, you have your heart checked long before you guys planned on having a child" Hyeri mumbled quite confused which I responded nodding

"Yeah it's true Unnie. I never had any heart ailments even before."

"I do annual check ups cause you know, my Dad had a heart condition before."

"And you know that Lisa and I even undergo intensive screening before the IVF Process just to make sure that there will be no complications during the pregnancy."

"It was my heart that they screened and checked first due to my Dad's history of heart disease and I was cleared from all those conditions." I answered comprehensively as Hyeri Unnie writes something on her notepad while Suzy just watch and listens at our exchange of conversation since it's not really her expertise, being a Neurologist herself.

Hyeri Unnie is my OB Doctor and we do meet each other every month for my check up.

But this time it's different.

For it's the first time that I'll be having my monthly check up with out Lisa with me.

As much as I want her besides me here now, I can't.
It was not just a simple check up since we'll be talking some delicate matters about my pregnancy. I just want to confirm it first I tell her everything.

Good thing Suzy was kind enough to drive me all the way to Seoul. She was really hesitant at first when I asked her if she could go with me for my lab tests.

She said that I should tell Lisa about it and the only person that should accompany here with me is my wife.

But knowing my Lisa well, I decided to just keep it from her until I can confirm my diagnostics first.

The least that I want is for her to worry about me..

"Chaeyoung...." I heard Hyeri called worriedly which brought me to my senses while Suzy just sat there, looking intently at me.

"I just the got lab test results Unnie and this will confirm my prior observations." I said as I show her the results.

"Then what is it?" Hyeri asked, looking straight at me with such anticipation while waiting for my diagnostics. I opened all the test results and started with the readings and interpretations.

My heart sank the moment I finally gathered and interpreted all the lab results along with my prior observations, confirming my suspicion.

"Peripartum Cardiomyopathy" I mumbled with a heavy heart.

"Peripartum Cardiomyopathy?" Suzy uttered more like a question making sure that what she heard was right.

"Yeah Suzy, Hyeri. You heard it right." I mumbled sadly at them.

If it weren't this serious I would be laughing right now cause I'm the patient yet I'm also the one who's giving the diagnostics myself."

How fuckin ironic is it, to be a Cardiologist and have a heart condition at the same time.

"Can you explain to me what Peripartum Cardiomyopathy is Chaeng?" I heard Suzy asked us as she shift her gaze at Hyeri and at me.

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