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It was a gloomy, dingy morning and the sky was tar-black. Rain poured heavily, and you'll hear the strong winds swooshing against the window while the sky shimmered in continuous lightning, letting out deafening roars of thunder. The entire room was cold and dismal. There was no sun. No chirping of birds nor the sound of her wife's beautiful voice singing. It was eerily quiet. Only the sounds of the rain splattering against the glass windows can only be heard.

Lisa slowly opened her eyes up only to find the other side of the bed is cold. Her fingers stretched out, seeking Cheyoung's warmth but her cold hands could only feel the empty space of the mattress. She must have had woken up early to cook their breakfast and wake our daughter up, or so she thought.

She looked around and her forehead creased as she stares at the the unfamiliar room. Although Lisa thought it was similar to their room, it's interior and the vibe it gives were completely different. The walls were painted in dull shade of gray. There were no flowers, no pets that purr and bark, no pictures of Chaeng and her Rosie that adorn the room. Rather, the room was depressing and somber. The warmth and beauty that Lisa used to feel and witness in every waking mornings were long gone.

Suddenly, Lisa heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming and the door finally creaked open. Her eyes snapped at the door and found Rosie with a blonde woman behind her.

"Rosie.." Lisa called in her hoarse, weak voice but the little girl just stared at her with expressionless face.

Her eyes that used to light up her entire universe were now gloomy and dull. Her daughter that was once the warmest and most affectionate kid was long gone. And all Lisa could see right now is the cold and distant Rosie, as she stares at Lisa with expressionless face and finally walks away never saying anything.

"Baby..." Lisa called her again but Rosie's footsteps died away as she walked away from her, never even sparing her one last glance. Her vision starts to blur as her tears starts to form in her tired eyes. She was confused and heart-broken, seeing her Rosie like that.

"Don't cry.. Our daughter will warm up to you once she's settled." A woman's voice suddenly spoke that Lisa instantly lay frozen from her bed. There she saw a blurred figure of a blonde woman, walking towards her. It was not Chaeyoung and Lisa's was full of terror as she stares at the woman who was now crawling in her bed like a creepy monster that used to haunt her in her dreams when she was a kid.

"Chaeyoung!" Lisa yelled helplessly as she calls for her wife but the woman's laugh roared the entire bedroom. Her eyes gleams wickedly as she stares hungrily at Lisa like she's a piece of meat that she's about to devour.

"Who's Chaeyoung?" the woman laughed maniacally that Lisa felt her spine shivered in a frightening way.

"I'm your wife Lisa. You see? We are one big family now. You, me and Loris." She giggled like a crazy woman while she straddles on top of her and pins Lisa in her bed. Lisa can't help but let out loud whimper as she desperately tries to get away from her grasp but to no avail.

"We'll be together forever from now on Baby."

"You're in the palm of my hands now and you can never change that from now on Lisa."

" You see? You are mine now."

"All mine." the woman laughed and sniggered as she starts to undress her and Lisa could only close her eyes from the assault that the monster was doing her.

The woman tried to claim her, violate her and took her against her will.

She cried.

And all Lisa could do is pray for this hell of a nightmare to end.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWhere stories live. Discover now