The Unexpected Date

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"Uhmm Chaeng is it okay if I go with you to the Cafe?"
"Jisoo didn't bring her car today so the other girls are going with Jennie and Seulgi." Lisa said timidly as she approach me from the lobby.

I don't know why but I really find it cute when she asks for favor. The way she unconsciously pout her lips. Damn. It's just so cute
I didn't even notice that I was staring at it the whole time..

I mean how could you say no to this baby?

"Sure. That would be great." I answered smiling.

"Uhmm I'll just bring this document at the Finance Office then I'll get my things. Could you wait for me here?" I asked her.

"Well I can get your things at the clinic while you bring those documents at the finance office. How does that sound to you?" Lisa suggested

I don't know why but the thought of her, getting my things for me makes my heart flutters.

It's just a simple act.
But I think that's what makes it more......special?

"Yeah that would be more efficient." I chuckled at her.

"Okay let's just meet here. I'll go to your office now." Lisa said smiling while walking backwards, still facing me. She then wave her hand and chuckled at me as she turn around and walk away towards my office.

Gosh. Why does it looks like we are in the movies.

"Let's go?"Lisa said as she meet me at the lobby.
I was about to get my bag from her when she refused.
"No, I'll carry it for you." she said smiling as she guide me towards the exit.

It was past 5 in the afternoon that time and both students and employees are now flocking along the hallway to go home.

"Why are they looking at us?"I whispered uncomfortably at Lisa as we walk our way towards the exit of the buidling. She looked at the surroundings and instantly grimaced at the sight of people craning their necks just to have a good look at us. Some are even whispering at each other.

"Well maybe they think we're dating. I'm sorry Chaeng." she said apologetically.

"Oh to hell with them. Let them think that way. Wouldn't it be cool right?" I said jokingly. I don't know what has gotten into me but I felt quite excited about that thought of me and

"Are you sure?" Lisa said smirking.
I'm liking this kind of Lisa that I'm seeing now.
She's far from the Lisa I saw earlier at the washroom crying..

Seriously, how can a person have two completely opposite personality at the same time?

"Quite sure. Much better if it would be that way so people would finally stop asking me out on a date." I said in all honesty.

"Very well then, give me your hand." She said as she reach for my hand and intertwined hers with mine which caused some raised eyebrows and whispering from the expectators there. I can't help but smile and feel all giddy as I watch her walking while holding my hand.

I swear, I legit felt like the world suddenly started moving slow that time. I was brought back from my senses when she suddenly pulled my hand and started to run at the exit with me.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWhere stories live. Discover now