Chaeyoung's Unconditional Love

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"Love where are you taking me?"

"Gosh it's cold Lisa-yah. Isn't it too early to go outside?" Chaeyoung mumbled whining at me the moment we felt the cool morning breeze blew past us while I carry her in my arms. She clung into me as I cautiously carry her towards the balcony of our room with a blindfold on.

"One sec Cheang-Ah, we're almost there." I replied with heavy breathing and Chaeyoung can't help but chuckle at how exhausted I sounded while carrying her.

"Are we really that heavy Lisa-yah?" she asked giggling pertaining to her and our baby inside her tummy which made me chuckle soflty.

"Well I'm carrying my world and my little moon, so yeah it's kinda heavy." I said releasing a cute and giggly laugh.

"You can take off your blindfold now Love." I instructed the moment I lay Chaeyoung down at the cushioned lounge chair and sat next to her. Chaeyoung then intuitively picked the warm and thick blanket and carefully wrapped us both inside it.

"It's beautiful here Love." I heard Chaeyoung mumbled in deep awe while she watch the beautiful scenery in front of our balcony. I held her in my arms and Chaeyoung intuitively snuggled close to me for warmth.

December is almost approaching and you can still see all the leaves still in the shades of crimson red, orange and gold. The garden is a blaze of beautiful colors signaling that Autumn isn't over yet.

It was almost sunrise and the sun starts to bloom in the horizon, illuminating the still dark and gray sky with it's most beautiful golden rays. I can't help but gasped, just watching how mesmerizing Chaeyoung is, whenever the rays of the sun touches her fair, porcelain skin.

I guess that's the one thing that I will never get used to.

Watching how breath taking it is to see how your skin sparkles and glow the moment the rays of the sun touches your fair white skin.

It's like witnessing a miracle.

I always wonder how was that even real?

I saw how Chaeyoung's gaze went to the sunrise while mine just dwelled on the beauty besides me.

I don't really need the sun right now when I'm already looking at my own Sun, the center of my happiness...My life.

"Chaeyoung.." I whispered softly as I lovingly place a soft kiss in her temple making her close her eyes and smile.

"Hmmm. What is it Love?" she responded with her eyes now closed as she savor the warmth of my lips in her skin.

"I know I may have said it to you like a million times already, but I love you Chaeyoung."

"God knows how much I love you.." I mumbled in all honesty making my wife welled up in tears even with her eyes closed.

For months that we've been dealing with Chaeyoung's condition, there hasn't been a day that I never felt and feared that moments with her like this could actually be our last.

And it's a fuckin torture, fearing for your wife and your child's life.

It's a daunting feeling that I can never shake off and I know for a fact how much it scares her too.

I always hear her cry herself to sleep every night.

She must have thought that I was already asleep, but I can always hear her talk to me.

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