The Divorce Nation

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"Aren't those two going to eat breakfast?" I heard Yeri asked while pointing at Lisa and Chaeng whose comfortably sleeping at the couch cuddled together.

"Oh.. They already ate earlier, like a lot..."
I answered while unconsciously stirring my coffee non stop. All of them shifted their gaze at me, then to the couple at the couch, then to Jennie who's sulking besides Irene wearing a shade inside the faculty lounge.

"Did you guys had a decent sleep last night? You all look like shit."Nayeon added while looking at the four us.

Tzuyu then held my hand to stop me from fidgeting with my spoon.

"Unnie." she mumbled softly calling my attention.
She shook her head gesturing me to stop from fidgeting.

"Right.Sorry I was not aware of it." I said apologetically. Tzuyu just smiled at me and gave me a new cup of coffee and her cake.
"Here, I got you a new one since your coffee has gone cold from your constant stirring." she smiled lightly.

We were wrapped in a comfortable silence when she began to speak again.

"Just go to her Unnie." Tzuyu whispered discreetly while sipping her tea. I turn to her side and gave her a confused look. Tzuyu just gave me a light pat in my back and continued with her food.

"She doesn't want to talk to me.."
"I don't even know why she got mad." I mumbled sadly.

" Then stay at her side atleast."
"Make her feel that you're still there for her even if you don't talk. It's the presence that matters, right?" Tzuyu whispered not looking at my direction as we speak.
Tzuyu may be the most silent and weirdest one in their group, but she's the most observant and considerate among all of them. She may not show it much, but she always tend to help her friends out in her own discreet ways.

"Thanks Tzuyu-yah." I whispered at her smiling.
I went to Jennie's direction and sat opposite her while Irene gave me an encouraging smile.

"Here..Take this Jendeuk." I said softly as I hand her a glass of water with aspirin and a cake Tzuyu gave me.

"I know you don't want to talk to me and I respect it if you want space but please you have to eat. I'll wait for you till your ready so we could talk about it."

"And please, take that medicine. I know your migraine is killing you right now." I said gently while looking at her.

"Thanks." Jennie answered timidly and started eating.

I knew Jennie well.

Even if our eyes don't meet, I know how she feels.

I know when she's hurting and I felt really stupid for making her feel that way. I don't even know what I did to upset her that much.

I never had a decent sleep last night recalling what happened yesterday. 

Did I say or do something that might have hurt her? Or did I forget something? Had I missed anything that might upset her? God it's making me crazy and I can't even get a single clue about it. It's really confusing me cause as far as I remember, the last time they talked was yesterday when she asked me to go with her at the mall.

She even kissed me at my cheek when I promised her that I'll go with her.

I was in deep thoughts that I didn't notice that I was massaging my temples when I saw Jennie handed me one of the aspirins I gave and her half eaten cake .

"Eat and take this." she instructed shortly with out turning a glance at me which made me even more sad.

Atleast she still cares.. I said to myself.

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