The Forgotten Life

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"Chu, tell me, what happened between you and your parents back then?"

We're now lying comfortably in our bed hugging each other beneath the sheets when I decided to bring up the topic again. Her eyes were still closed as she tightened her arms and bury her face in my neck hugging me like I was the source of her strength.

I instantly smile at how clingy she is right now. It was always the other way around between the two of us and it was a rare moment for Jisoo to be this soft and delicate.

For a decade that I had loved and known her, we never talked about her parents nor the real reason behind her broken heart. All I know is that her parents chose to walk away from them which left Jisoo to single-handedly raise her sister in such a young age.

Life was never easy for Jisoo.

She sacrificed her youth as she bid goodbye to her old life.

She was left with no choice but to face the overwhelming amount of responsibilities that she has to provide so she and her sister can survive and make it through.

Those two years after her grandmother's death was the worst chapters of her life. And as painful as it is, I was not there for her on those trying times.

Sadly, I haven't met her yet at that time.

She would always say that her life changed that day she met Lisa and me..

That finally she was able to look at life differently.

Jisoo heaved a deep sigh, trying to muster all the courage to answer. I know how hard it is for her, considering the fact that she never did share the real story to anyone.

Not even to me, her true love.

"Chu, you can choose to tell it me once you're ready. I know it's hard for you and I do respect it."

"But still, you have to let it all out Hon. It's been consuming you for a decade now. You might think that you had already forgotten about it since you chose to cast them out of your life."

"But believe me, that pain, no matter how much you ignore it, it will always be there in the deepest part of your heart."

"You have to acknowledge that pain and let it all out so you could finally be free for real."

"You don't have to suffer it alone."

"I'm here now. Please include me in you battles Jisoo-yah." I said earnestly while running my fingers in her beautiful delicate face.

"I may look fragile but I can be strong enough for the both of us too." I assured smiling at her.

"I just really want to know everything about them so  I could fully understand how you feel. We're getting married a month from now and I don't want to make any actions or decisions in the future that might hurt you cause I really care about how you feel Chu." I said sincerely.

I felt her body stiffened as she tightened her hug and buried her face in my bossom.

"Remember the thing I told you before 8 years ago at the jewelry workshop? About my parents?" she started in a hollow voice.

"Uhummm. Yeah I remember that clearly."
"What about it Hon?"I asked prudently while running my fingers through her hair.

"Well I never had a good childhood memories with them, especially Ryujin."

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