New Beginnings 9✨

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Trinity's POV

Dominique and I were landing in Paris. I was so excited that, not only am I bout to be in his video shoot, we're in Paris.

We were flying private because he wanted me to be safe, knowing that I'm pregnant. He held my hand as we walked down the stairs.

"You geeked as fuck." Dominique said looking at me.

I started laughing and pushed him. "Shut up. This my first time in Paris, I'm excited."

"I bet." he stated.

We gathered in the truck and headed to our hotel. I was a kid in the store. Looking all out the window and taking pics.

"Can we go see the Eiffel Tower?" I asked.

Dominique chuckled. "If we have time, we can go."

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"You will not have me out here working and not paying me." I said making him laugh.

"Paying you? I gave you a baby." he stated.

I shook my head. "You gave me something, that's going to take my money." I said making us laugh.

"How much you want?" he asked.

"I would like 10%." I stated.

He looked at me and smile. "Why 10%?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. It sounded nice." I said making the both of us laugh.

We arrived at the hotel. The driver came and opened my door. I got out and we walked inside. When we walked in, Uncle Mason was there.

"Oh my gosh, shut up." I said.

He came and hugged me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Mr. Baby invited me." Uncle Mason stated.

Dominique walked over.

"My Uncle Mason?" I asked as he walked up.

"I figured with this quick, busy trip you didn't want to spend most of the time alone."

I raised my eyebrow. I know we're on a business trip but I thought because Valentine's Day is tomorrow, we would at least spend a little time to ourselves.

Dominique and I walked to our rooms and I sat on the bed. I am now in my third trimester. I'm so excited because Dj is almost done baking. Not only that but my Mom and Nana are back home.

"You like?" he asked flopping on the bed.

I nodded my head. "Yes. But what did you mean about me having him as company?"

"Meaning, I'm on my way to make sure things are straight for tomorrow morning. We do have an early start. I'm also doing my solo scenes today, so we can be out of here."

I nodded my head and sighed. "Okay."

He reached over and rubbed my belly. He kissed me and got up. I laid down and took a nap.

A few hours later, I woke up to a knock on the door. I rolled over and laid back down.

"Go away." I whispered.

My phone started ringing. I grunted and sat up. I reached for my phone, to pick it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"We're in Paris. I'm going to need for you to wake up and come open this door." Uncle Mason stated.

I chuckled and got up. I went to unlock the door. When I did, I seen Mom and Nana along with Uncle Mason.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing here!" I yelled hugging my Mom.

"We are here because we miss you and our baby." Nana said hugging me.

I smiled. "Come in." I stated.

We walked into my room and sat down. I started to cry but that's because I'm pregnant and sensitive.

"So, this is the real reason why Dominique invited you." I stated to Uncle Mason.

He chuckled and nodded his head. "Yes, he flew his all out."

"That's right. I ain't never had a man fly me out." Nana said making me laugh.

I shook my head. "I'm just happy to see you guys and finally have you guys with me a little bit during the last stages of my pregnancy."

"You know we're here. You also know that your Dad is here." Mom said making everyone laugh.

"I won't be surprised if you guys move back to ATL." Uncle Mason said to Mom.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Speaking of baby. Let's see where our little baby stands." Nana said taking out her phone.

"What is she doing?" Mom questioned.

"Okay. We have a Lettuce baby." Nana said making us laugh.

"The head of a lettuce." I stated.


She was reading from the What To Expect app that I have them linked to. It gives them an alert whenever I hit another week.

"We have twelve more weeks to go." she said as she continued to read.

I smiled. Mom reached over and rubbed my belly.

"He's getting into the proper position for birth. He should weigh about 2 1/4 pounds and be 15 inches from head to toe."

"Nana, I read this every week. I know." I said making everyone laugh.

"Okay okay, let me read one more thing." she said as she scrolled on her phone.

I started laughing and rubbed my head

"Oh my gosh. It says that you start feeling sharp, shooting pain in your ass. And it radiates down the back of your legs." she said.

"Yes Crystal, that's because he's getting in position." Mom stated.

"I'm glad I didn't have kids because I don't know how y'all did it." she said.

"It's not that bad but Braxton Hicks are something." I stated.

"I really ain't get those until the end of my pregnancies." Mom said.

I sighed. "I most definitely get them. Especially when Dominique is not around and I'm alone."

Uncle Mason shook his head and rubbed my belly.

"So, do we have a name for baby?" Nana asked coming over to rub my belly.

"Dior Armani Jones. I call him Dj for short."

"Aye, let's have a baby and name it Dior." Nana sang.

I chuckled.

"Ain't his middle name Armani?" Mom asked.

"Yes, but I love it. So, I matter as well make it my son's name also."

"Hey little Dj. It's your...what the hell do I call myself?" Nana asked.

Everyone started laughing.

"Look, you'll figure that out. I want to get to the shopping. I need some new clothes." Uncle Mason stated.

"Let me put on some shoes." I said getting up.

I grabbed a jacket and put on a pair of slides.

"Ou, what is this?" Nana asked picking up a piece of paper.

"Hey babe. Whenever you wake up, go enjoy yourself. Everything on me. Love Baby." Nana read.

"Is this his credit card?" Uncle Mason asked picking it up.

I smiled and went over to look. He left me his credit card. I mean, it's not really new because he always gives me what I want anyway. But giving me his card, is something else.

"Now, I have to go out and look cute." I said making them laugh.

I put on a little black fit with a pair of booties and a black puff jacket. After I was ready, we went out.

Trinity Anne 2: The Girlfriend of Lil BabyWhere stories live. Discover now